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➡ Saturday, June 17 - Short courses
➡ Sunday, June 18 - Short courses, Opening session
➡ Monday, June 19 - Program
➡ Tuesday, June 20 - Program
➡ Wednesday, June 21 - Program
➡ Thursday, June 22 - Program, Closing session
➡ The list of accepted posters (until 8 May)
➡ Program at glance
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Short courses are sponsored by Pfizer
Short course 1 |
Short course 2 |
Short course 3 |
Short course 4 |
14:00 - 18:00 |
Monika Dittmann State of art in column technology |
Gérard Hopfgartner Hyphenation of chromatography to mass spectrometry: Concepts and applications |
Thomas Hankemeier Metabolomic analysis |
Gabriel Vivo-Truyols Statistical analysis of chromatographic data: A practical guide |
Short course 5 |
Short course 6 |
Short course 7 |
Short course 8 |
9:00 - 13:00 |
Peter Schoenmakers Multidimensional liquid chromatography |
Davy Guillarme Supercritical fluid chromatography |
Christian G. Huber HPLC-MS techniques for proteome analysis |
Gerhard Liebisch Lipidomic analysis |
Opening ceremony is sponsored by Elsevier
Opening plenary session Chairs: Michal Holčapek, František Foret, Pavel Jandera, Peter J. Schoenmakers, Gérard Hopfgartner |
15:00 - 15:20 |
Art performance |
15:20 - 15:35 |
Welcome from chairmen |
15:35 - 16:00 |
Award ceremonies Martin Medal, Silver Jubilee Medal, Uwe Neue Award, Georges Guiochon Faculty Fellowship, Memory of J.J. Kirkland, J.F.K. Huber Lecture Award |
16:00 - 16:40 |
![]() Current state and future directions in liquid chromatography J.F.K. Huber Lecture Award |
16:40 - 17:10 |
Coffee break |
17:10 - 17:50 |
Ambient and LC-MS lipidomic profiling of clinical samples - new era in cancer diagnostics |
17:50 - 18:30 |
The LC toolbox for protein biopharmaceutical characterization |
18:30 - 19:10 |
Searching for life on ocean worlds with liquid phase separation systems |
19:10 - 21:00 |
Welcome mixer |
Session 1 |
FUN 1 Characterization of HPLC stationary phases - In memory of Jack Kirkland Chairs: Barry L. Karger, Joe DeStefano |
HYP 1 Ion mobility in LC/MS Chairs: Alexander Makarov, Karel Lemr |
APP 1 Forensics, doping and toxicology Chairs: Gerhard Scriba, Christian Klampfl |
YOU 1 2D-LC Chairs: Paula Dugo, Bob Pirok |
Keynote 08:30 - 09:00 |
Attila Felinger Mass transfer properties of zwitterionic chiral stationary phases University of Pécs Hungary |
Gérard Hopfgartner Differential mobility spectrometry - mass spectrometry as an orthogonal separation dimension for omics University of Geneva Switzerland |
Mario Thevis Testing non-approved substances using alternative matrices and liquid chromatography / high- and low-resolution tandem mass spectrometry in doping controls German Sport University Cologne Germany |
Oral 1 09:00 - 09:20 |
Barry Boyes Improving biomolecule separations with superficially porous silica particles Advanced Materials Technology, Inc. USA |
Oliver Schmitz LC+LC- and GC+GC-IM-qTOF-MS as a potential tool in non-target analysis University of Duisburg-Essen Germany Invited Oral |
Andreas Thomas Doping control analysis of prohibited peptide drugs after sophisticated metabolism studies by means of liquid chromatography coupled to HR-MS/MS German Sport University Cologne Germany |
Oral 2 09:20 - 09:40 |
Joseph Glajch Characterization of HPLC stationary phases: How this can lead to novel and improved chromatography Momenta Pharmaceuticals USA Invited Oral |
Alexey Makarov Using IMS-MS combined with size-exclusion chromatography and differential hydrogen–deuterium exchange for semi-automated screen of global protein conformational changes in solution Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. USA |
Federico Ponzetto Exploring blood steroidomics for the improvement of the athlete biological passport steroidal module CHUV - University of Lausanne Switzerland |
Oral 3 09:40 - 10:00 |
Martin Gilar Experimental evaluation of microfluidic LC column performance: Straight versus serpentine channels Waters Corporation USA Invited Oral |
Qiang Ma Comprehensive separation and analysis of nonionic surfactants by ultra-high performance supercritical fluid chromatography combined with ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine China |
Marieke De Boeck Validation of a fast ionic liquid-based dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction procedure combined with LC-MS/MS analysis for the quantification of benzodiazepines in whole blood KU Leuven Belgium |
10:00 - 10:30 |
Coffee break, Exhibition, Posters |
Session 2 |
FUN 2 Multi-dimensional separations Chairs: Kelly Zhang, Dwight Stoll |
HYP 2 Ion suppression and matrix-effects in separation – MS Chairs: Mario Thevis, Oliver Schmitz |
APP 2 Proteomics Chairs: Sebastiaan Eeltink, Ying Ge |
YOU 2 Separation mechanisms Chairs: Martin Gilar, Terence Hetzel |
Keynote 10:30 - 11:00 |
Peter J. Schoenmakers Multi-dimensional liquid chromatography – towards a million peaks University of Amsterdam Netherlands |
Jean-Luc Veuthey Evaluation of matrix effects in HILIC, RPLC and SFC-MS University of Geneva, University of Lausanne Switzerland |
John Yates Protein-protein interaction studies of disease networks The Scripps Research Institute USA |
Oral 1 11:00 - 11:20 |
Mark Schure Size exclusion chromatography with superficially porous particles Kroungold Analytical, Inc. USA Invited Oral |
Lucie Nováková Development of UHPSFC-MS method for high-throughput analysis of vitamin E isomers and evaluation of matrix effects when using different sample preparation approaches Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy Czech Republic |
Christian G. Huber Proteome- and phosphoproteome analysis of onkogenic signaling pathways University of Salzburg Austria Invited Oral |
Oral 2 11:20 - 11:40 |
![]() Bob Pirok Extended multi-dimensional liquid-chromatography systems for comprehensive analysis of complex polymeric nanoparticles University of Amsterdam Netherlands Csaba Horvath Young Scientist Award finalist |
Aimin Tan How much separation for LC–MS/MS quantitative bioanalysis? Nucro-Technics Canada |
Marcel Kwiatkowski Better access to proteoforms by cold vaporization of tissues with picosecond-infrared-laser (PIRL) ablation University Medical Center Groningen Netherlands |
Oral 3 11:40 - 12:00 |
Andre de Villiers Pareto-optimisation of HILIC×RP-LC separations: Experimental verification and application to phenolic analysis Stellenbosch University South Africa |
German Gomez-Rios Can HPLC-MS be replaced by direct coupling of SPME to MS? Investigating challenging cases University of Waterloo Canada |
Morteza Khaledi Surfactant-free coacervation of natural cell membranes for facile, selective extraction, and enrichment of integral membrane proteins in proteomics University of Texas-Arlington USA |
12:00 - 14:00 |
Lunch, Exhibition, Posters, Vendor seminars |
Session 3 |
FUN 3 Mechanisms of mass transport phenomena Chairs: Pavel Jandera, Frederic Lynen |
HYP 3 Separation – high-resolution MS Chairs: Michal Holčapek, Zoltán Takáts |
APP 3 Sample preparation and automation Chairs: Emily Hilder, Doo Soo Chung |
YOU 3 Proteomics Chairs: Norman Dovichi, Paige Malec |
Keynote 14:00 - 14:30 |
Fabrice Gritti Combining solvent and non-uniform temperature gradients to improve peak capacity in microfluidic separations Waters Corporation USA |
Alexander Makarov Orbitrap technology in LC/MS and GC/MS: On the road to high-resolution in every lab Thermo Fisher Scientific Germany |
Janusz Pawliszyn Why are thin coated sampling/extraction devices with biocompatible sorbents well suited for coupling of biological systems to liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry? University of Waterloo Canada |
Oral 1 14:30 - 14:50 |
Deirdre Cabooter Experimental methodologies for the assessment of individual mass transfer phenomena revisited University of Leuven Belgium Invited Oral |
Ying Ge Top–down proteomics of large proteins up to 223 kda enabled by serial size exclusion chromatography strategy University of Wisconsin-Madison USA Invited Oral |
Gongke Li Novel online sample preparation media for complicated samples analysis coupling with high-performance liquid chromatography Sun Yat-sen University China Invited Oral |
Oral 2 14:50 - 15:10 |
Szabolcs Fekete System band broadening and its impact in modern size-exclusion chromatography of proteins University Of Geneva Switzerland |
Govert Somsen Highly selective characterization of intact proteoforms by HILIC-MS Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Netherlands |
Massimo Morbidelli Isoform enrichment by recycling chromatography Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering Switzerland Invited Oral |
Oral 3 15:10 - 15:30 |
Julia Rybka Surface diffusion of aromatic hydrocarbon analytes in reversed-phase liquid chromatography Philipps-Universität Marburg Germany |
Christian Lanshoeft A generic hybrid LBA-LC-HRMS-based workflow for multiplexed hIgG1 quantification in pre-clinical species directly at the intact protein level Novartis Pharma AG Switzerland |
Astrid Gjelstad Does parallel artificial liquid membrane extraction match the requirements for an applicable and high-throughput sample preparation method from biological matrices? University of Oslo Norway |
15:30 - 16:30 |
Coffee break, Exhibition, Posters |
Session 4 |
FUN 4 Stationary phases based on inorganic supports Chairs: Attila Felinger, Monika Dittman |
HYP 4 Multidimensional chromatography and MS coupling Chairs: Peter Schoenmakers, Mark Schure |
APP 4 Metabolomics Chairs: Koji Otsuka, Rawi Ramautar |
YOU 4 Sample preparation Chairs: Janusz Pawliszyn, Gongke Li |
Keynote 16:30 - 17:00 |
Joe Pesek Aqueous normal phase chromatography: The reliable and rugged method for polar compound analysis San Jose State University USA |
William Craig Byrdwell Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography with quadruple parallel mass spectrometry, LC1MS2 x LC1MS2 = LC2MS4 ARS, Food Composit & Methods Dev Lab USA |
Guowang Xu Metabolomics: From differential metabolite discovery to functional elucidation Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics China |
Oral 1 17:00 - 17:20 |
Frederic Lynen Enhancing peak capacity in temperature responsive liquid chromatography Ghent University Belgium Invited Oral |
![]() Dwight Stoll Improving the resolving power and detection sensitivity of two-dimensional liquid chromatography separations of protein digests Gustavus Adolphus College USA G. Guiochon Faculty Fellowship Invited Oral |
Liang Li Comprehensive and Quantitative Profiling of the Human Blood Metabolome from One Microliter of Finger Blood University of Alberta Canada Invited Oral |
Oral 2 17:20 - 17:40 |
![]() Alla Chernobrovkina Revealing the trends in selectivity changes altering the functional layer of novel HILIC stationary phases Lomonosov Moscow State University Russian Federation Csaba Horvath Young Scientist Award finalist |
Bert Wouters Implementation of an immobilised-enzyme microfluidic reactor in an integrated multi-dimensional liquid chromatography system University of Amsterdam Netherlands |
Dajana Vuckovic Improving metabolite coverage in global metabolomics using sequential extraction Concordia University Canada |
Oral 3 17:40 - 18:00 |
Estrella Sanz Rodriguez Porous silica layers open tubular multi-channel capillaries as micro analytical platforms for separation and extraction University of Tasmania Australia |
C J Venkatramani High resolution analysis of linker drugs used in antibody drug conjugates (ADC's) by 2D-LC-MS: Transition of 2D-LC-MS from research to main stream pharmaceutical analysis Genentech Inc USA |
![]() Paige Malec Derivatization strategies for targeted metabolomics University of Michigan USA Csaba Horvath Young Scientist Award finalist |
18:00 - 20:00 |
Session 5 |
FUN 5 Supercritical fluid chromatography Chairs: Davy Guillarme, Lucie Nováková |
HYP 5 Electrodriven separations – MS Chairs: Marja-Liisa Riekkola, Andras Guttman |
APP 5 Chiral separations Chairs: Wolfgang Lindner, Alberto Cavazzini |
YOU 5 Metabolomics and lipidomics Chairs: Thomas Hankemeier, Michael Witting |
Keynote 08:30 - 09:00 |
Caroline West Ions and SFC: An improbable match? Université d'Orléans France |
Jonathan Sweedler Measuring endogenous D-amino acids in the brain - from brain regions and individual cells to cellular release - using CE and LC University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign USA |
Bezhan Chankvetadze Recent trends in application of polysaccharide-based chiral selectors for liquid phase separation of enantiomers Tbilisi State University Georgia |
Oral 1 09:00 - 09:20 |
Didier Thiébaut Evaluation of alternative solvents in normal phase liquid and supercritical fluid chromatography for lipid classes analysis ESPCI Paris - CNRS - PSL Research University France Invited Oral |
Rawi Ramautar Resolving volume-restricted metabolomics using sheathless capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry Leiden University Netherlands |
Gerhard Scriba Capillary electrophoresis in the determination of the stereoisomeric purity of drugs Friedrich Schiller University Germany Invited Oral |
Oral 2 09:20 - 09:40 |
Abhijit Tarafder Modeling retention behavior under solvent gradient condition in SFC Waters Corporation USA |
Christian Neusüß Mass spectrometric characterization of impurities of an antibody separated by SDS-capillary sieving electrophoresis using CSE-CZE-MS Aalen University Germany |
Kenji Hamase Three-dimensional HPLC analysis of amino acid enantiomers in complicated real world samples Kyushu University Japan |
Oral 3 09:40 - 10:00 |
Charlene Muscat Galea Optimization of temperature and back-pressure in drug-impurity profiling by SFC: A response surface design approach Vrije Universiteit Brussel Belgium |
Aran Paulus Capillary electrophoresis – mass spectrometry for intact mass analysis of antibodies and antibody-drug-conjugates Thermo Fisher Scientific USA |
Tivadar Farkas Further studies on the HILIC character of polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phases in polar organic separation mode Phenomenex, Inc. USA |
10:00 - 10:30 |
Coffee break, Exhibition, Posters |
Session 6 |
FUN 6 Novel high-efficient separation media Chairs: Andrew Alpert, Frank Steiner |
HYP 6 Nanofluidic and microfluidic separations – MS Chairs: Robert T. Kennedy, Peter Willis |
APP 6 Lipidomics Chairs: Gerhard Liebisch, William Craig Byrdwell |
YOU 6 Chiral and achiral stationary phases Chairs: Bezhan Chankvetadze, Alla Chernobrovkina |
Keynote 10:30 - 11:00 |
Mary Wirth Protein HPLC with polymer bonded phases on silica Purdue University USA |
Robert T. Kennedy HPLC-MS analysis of small samples at high pressures University of Michigan USA |
Markus R. Wenk Natural variation of blood plasma lipids in healthy Asian individuals National University of Singapore Singapore |
Oral 1 11:00 - 11:20 |
Jelle De Vos Microfluidic chip technology to advance multidimensional liquid chromatography Vrije Universiteit Brussel Belgium |
Andrea Gargano Online nano 2DLC meets Top-Down MS: WCX-HILIC/a×m/RPLC UVPD-HRMS analysis of histone proteoforms Center for Analytical Chemistry Amsterdam Netherlands |
Huwei Liu Lipidomic analysis of plasma in patients with lacunar infarction using normal-phase / reversed-phase 2D LC-MS/MS Peking University China Invited Oral |
Oral 2 11:20 - 11:40 |
Yi Chen Long-range uniform photonic crystals for high performance separation Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences China Invited Oral |
Wim De Malsche New developments in pillar array column technology Vrije Universiteit Brussel Belgium |
Miroslav Lísa Lipidomic analysis of biological samples: Comparison of liquid chromatography, supercritical fluid chromatography and direct infusion mass spectrometry methods University of Pardubice Czech Republic |
Oral 3 11:40 - 12:00 |
Kenichi Nagase Thermoresponsive-ionic block copolymer brush modified stationary phase for thermally-modulated proteins separation Tokyo Women's Medical University Japan |
Rico Warias Chip-based liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry: An integrated tool to study catalysis at the microscale University of Leipzig Germany |
![]() Michael Witting Ion mobility as additional separation dimension to tackle the complexity of the Caenorhabditis elegans lipidome Helmholtz Zentrum München Germany Csaba Horvath Young Scientist Award finalist |
12:00 - 14:00 |
Lunch, Exhibition, Posters, Vendor seminars |
Session 7 |
FUN 7 Electromigration techniques Chairs: Edward S. Yeung, Eva Tesařová |
HYP 7 LC/MS in lipidomics Chairs: Markus R. Wenk, Huwei Liu |
APP 7 Affinity separations Chairs: Mary Wirth, Kevin A. Schug |
YOU 7 Ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry Chairs: Jan Preisler, Antonín Bednařík |
Keynote 14:00 - 14:30 |
Marja-Liisa Riekkola Capillary electrophoresis - alternative technique for biosensors? University of Helsinki Finland |
Gerhard Liebisch Relevance of appropriate internal standards for accurate quantification of lipid species by LC-MS/MS University Hospital Regensburg Germany |
Koji Otsuka The use of specific interactions with fullerenes in microscale liquid phase separations Kyoto University Japan |
Oral 1 14:30 - 14:50 |
Václav Kašička Affinity capillary electrophoresis employed for quantitative characterization of noncovalent molecular interactions Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences Czech Republic Invited Oral |
Michel Guichardant Chiral LC-MS / MS analyses of free and esterified oxygenated metabolites deriving from arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids in brains of rats exanguinated or not INSA Lyon France |
David Hage Personalized medicine based on high-performance affinity microcolumns: Drug-protein binding studies with modified proteins and clinical samples University of Nebraska USA |
Oral 2 14:50 - 15:10 |
Michal Roth Supercritical water-treated fused silica capillaries: currently accessible morphologies and applications in electromigration separations Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the CAS, v. v. i. Czech Republic |
Josef Cvačka Structural characterization of lipids associated with the fetal skin development Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry Czech Republic |
Hermann Wätzig Affinity capillary electrophoresis for ligand binding assays: Playing the ACE card University of Braunschweig Germany |
Oral 3 15:10 - 15:30 |
Pavel Dubský Computer-assisted modelling, optimizations and data evaluations in electrophoresis Faculty of Science, Charles University Czech Republic |
![]() Lina Zhou That simultaneous analysis of metabolome and lipidome based on heart-cutting two-dimensional liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences China Csaba Horvath Young Scientist Award finalist |
![]() Andreas Manz “Lab on chip” – biomimetic channel networks KIST Europe Germany Martin Medal |
15:30 - 16:30 |
Coffee break, Exhibition, Posters |
Session 8 |
FUN 8 Separation techniques for ionic compounds Chairs: Kevin D. Wyndham, Michael Lämmerhofer |
HYP 8 Supercritical fluid chromatography – MS Chairs: Caroline West, Miroslav Lísa |
APP 8 Glycomics and glycoproteomics - Celebrating Miloš Novotný 75th birthday Chairs: František Foret, Jana Křenková |
YOU 8 Electromigration techniques Chairs: Václav Kašička, Dušan Berek |
Keynote 16:30 - 17:00 |
Paul R. Haddad Method development in HILIC using quantitative structure-retention relationships based on analyte molecular structures Australian Centre for Research on Separation Science Australia |
Davy Guillarme SFC-MS: Current status and future directions University of Geneva Switzerland |
![]() Miloš V. Novotný LC and LC-MS in service of analytical glycoscience Indiana University USA Commemorative Medal of University of Pardubice |
Oral 1 17:00 - 17:20 |
Mirek Macka Breadboard-type modular microfluidic system as front-end for micro solid phase extraction on-line coupled with capillary ion chromatography University of Tasmania Australia Invited Oral |
Laura Akbal Enhancing ionization in supercritical fluid chromatography – electrospray mass spectrometry University of Geneva Switzerland |
Andras Guttman Temperature gradient capillary electrophoresis University of Debrecen Hungary Invited Oral |
Oral 2 17:20 - 17:40 |
Sam Wouters Miniaturized ion chromatographic platform integrating separation, suppression, and detection Vrije Universiteit Brussel Belgium |
![]() Julien Crepier Hyphenation of supercritical fluid chromatography and high resolution mass spectrometry for the characterization of a fast pyrolysis oil IFPEN France Csaba Horvath Young Scientist Award finalist |
Anahita Eckard Development of a rapid and robust n-glycan analysis workflow for both LC and CE platforms ThermoFisherScientific USA |
Oral 3 17:40 - 18:00 |
Christopher Pohl New anion exchange materials based on electrostatically attached hyperbranched condensation polymers Thermo Fisher Scientific USA |
Volodymyr Pauk Validation and comparison of ultra-high performance supercritical fluid chromatography and liquid chromatography methods for analysis of new designer drugs in human urine Palacky University in Olomouc Czech Republic |
Jana Křenková High sensitive CE-MS analysis of positively charged oligosaccharides Czech Academy of Sciences Czech Republic |
20:00 - 21:00 |
Organ Concert in the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul |
Session 9 |
FUN 9 Separation mechanisms and structural effects Chairs: Torgny Fornstedt, Miloš Novotný |
HYP 9 Biomarker discovery in metabolomics Chairs: Liang Li, Uwe Karst |
APP 9 Recent advances in (bio)pharmaceuticals I. Chairs: Ian D. Wilson, Lois Ann Beaver |
YOU 9 Monolithic columns Chairs: Zuzana Zajíčková, Jiří Urban |
Keynote 08:30 - 09:00 |
David McCalley A study of the analysis of acidic compounds by hydrophilic interaction chromatography University of the West of England United Kingdom |
Michael Lämmerhofer Lipidomics by data-independent acquisition for clinical analysis University of Tuebingen Germany |
Koen Sandra Two dimensional liquid chromatography: From clone selection to detailed characterization of monoclonal antibodies and antibody-drug conjugates Research Institute for Chromatography Belgium |
Oral 1 09:00 - 09:20 |
Brett Paull Another 12 months closer to 3D printed HPLC columns! University of Tasmania Australia |
Thomas Hankemeier Metabolomics enabling personalized medicine Leiden University Netherlands Invited Oral |
Jonathan Bones Manufacturability assessment of monoclonal antibodies using advanced LC-MS National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training Ireland |
Oral 2 09:20 - 09:40 |
Rob Haselberg How the heck to get your ideal SEC in the mass spec?! A study into the the elution and ionization behavior of biomacromolecules in aqueous SEC-MS Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Netherlands |
Georgios Theodoridis LC-MS/MS based targeted metabolomics. Application in biomarker discovery and the characterisation of biological and other types of samples Aristotle University Thessaloniki Greece |
Valentina D'Atri HILIC-MS: A powerful analytical tool for the profiling of glycosylation patterns of biopharmaceutical proteins at the middle-up level University of Geneva Switzerland |
Oral 3 09:40 - 10:00 |
Dušan Berek Retention mechanisms in liquid chromatography of uncharged synthetic polymers Slovak Academy of Sciences Slovakia Invited Oral |
Sophie Bravo-Veyrat High-throughput differential mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry for monitoring oxidative stress markers in human whole blood Life Sciences Switzerland |
Tao Chen De-conjugation coupled with LC-MS for investigating the stability of small molecule drugs in antibody-drug conjugates Genentech, Inc USA |
10:00 - 10:30 |
Coffee break, Exhibition, Posters |
Session 10 |
FUN 10 Organic polymer monolithic and particular materials Chairs: František Švec, Sam Wouters |
HYP 10 MS based omics Chairs: Karoly Vekey, Aleš Svatoš |
APP 10 Recent advances in (bio)pharmaceuticals II. Chairs: Wolfgang Buchberger, Miroslav Flieger |
YOU 10 SFC and SFC/MS Chairs: Didier Thiébaut, Julien Crepier |
Keynote 10:30 - 11:00 |
František Švec Myths about monolithic columns: False or true? Charles University Hradec Králové Czech Republic |
Marcos Eberlin “Chromatography-free” characterization of complex mixtures by mass spectrometry University of Campinas Brazil |
Kelly Zhang Multiplexed mLC-nLC for comprehensive impurity profiling: A method development "free" platform Genentech USA |
Oral 1 11:00 - 11:20 |
Jiří Urban Polymer monoliths in the analysis of dopamine Masaryk University Czech Republic |
Gunda Koellensperger Selectivity, metabolite coverage and analytical throughput - how to address these conflicting goals in LC-MS based metabolomic workflows? University of Vienna Austria |
Yun Huang Leveraging chromatographic speed and efficiency: Integration of analytical SFC into pharmaceutical analysis Pfizer Worldwide Research & Development USA |
Oral 2 11:20 - 11:40 |
José Manuel Herrero-Martínez Influence of an oscillating magnetic field on the separation performance of hybrid monolithic stationary phases for HPLC Universitat de Valencia Spain |
Steven Ray Wilson On-line approaches for enhancing automation, robustness and selectivity in nano liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry University of Oslo Norway |
Therese Wohlschlager Native mass spectrometry for the revelation of highly complex glycosylation in biopharmaceuticals University of Salzburg Austria |
Oral 3 11:40 - 12:00 |
Fréderick Matheuse Possibilities of advanced 3D printing to produce chromatographic supports with 1-micron resolution Vrije Universiteit Brussel Belgium |
Giorgia La Barbera UHPLC-QTOF/MS untargeted metabolic profiling for the identification of blood and urinary biomarkers after the consumption of meat and dairy products University of Rome La Sapienza Italy |
Balasz Bobaly Improved chromatographic conditions for the characterization of antibody-drug conjugates University of Geneva, University of Lausanne Switzerland |
12:00 - 14:00 |
Lunch, Exhibition, Posters, Vendor seminars |
Session 11 |
FUN 11 Thermodynamics and separation mechanisms in LC Chairs: Fabrice Gritti, David McCalley |
HYP 11 MALDI in LC coupling and MS imaging Chairs: Gérard Hopfgartner, Robert Jirásko |
APP 11 Food analysis Chairs: Terry Berger, Massimo Morbidelli |
YOU 11 Pharmaceutical analysis Chairs: Koen Sandra, Therese Wohlschlager |
Keynote 14:00 - 14:30 |
Pavel Jandera Major role of water in HPLC of polar analytes University of Pardubice Czech Republic |
Ron M.A. Heeren Breaking boundaries in molecular imaging Maastricht University Netherlands |
Paola Dugo Multidimensional techniques for the analysis of food products University of Messina Italy |
Oral 1 14:30 - 14:50 |
Torgny Fornstedt A deeper look at how pressure affects the retention mechanism in reversed-phase liquid chromatography Karlstad University Sweden Invited Oral |
Jan Preisler Coupling of separation techniques and desorption mass spectrometry Masaryk University Czech Republic Invited Oral |
Petr Bednář Study of seed coat composition in relation to dormancy and domestication - utilization of liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry Palacký University Olomouc Czech Republic |
Oral 2 14:50 - 15:10 |
Oleg Krokhin Peptide retention time prediction in RPLC and HILIC: Proteomic techniques help to discover hidden secondary structure effects University of Manitoba Canada |
Aleš Svatoš Mass-spectrometric-imaging of living cells: Challenges, solutions, and perspective Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology Germany Invited Oral |
Nicola Marchetti Insights into structure-bioaccessibility relationships of polyphenols in red chicory by HPLC-MS/MS University of Ferrara Italy |
Oral 3 15:10 - 15:30 |
David Bell Investigations of equilibration dynamics in hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC): Toward a better understanding of retention mechanisms MilliporeSigma/Supelco USA |
Bram Heijs Multimodal mass spectrometry imaging analysis of N-linked glycans and proteins from a single tissue section Leiden University Medical Center Netherlands |
Riccardo Zenezini Chiozzi Discovery of bioactive peptides from cauliflower (Brassica oleracea) waste protein using a scaled up chromatographic approach University of Rome la "Sapienza" Italy |
15:30 - 16:30 |
Coffee break, Exhibition, Posters |
Session 12 |
FUN 12 Advances in stationary phases Chairs: Joe Pesek, Yi Chen |
HYP 12 Quantitation in LC/MS Chairs: Christian G. Huber, Jean-Luc Veuthey |
APP 12 Natural products Chairs: Andre de Villiers, John Yates |
YOU 12 Scientific writing & publishing Chairs: Paul Haddad, Emily Hilder, František Švec |
Keynote 16:30 - 17:00 |
Francesco Gasparrini On the use of the sub-2µm chiral stationary phases in enantioselective ultra-high performance chromatography (UHPLC/UHPSFC) Sapienza University of Rome Italy |
Karoly Vekey Quantitation in LC-MS: From accurate to approximate Hungarian Academy of Sciences Hungary |
Terry Berger Supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) profiling of hops bittering acids and derivatives using chiral columns SFC Solutions Inc. USA |
Oral 1 17:00 - 17:20 |
![]() Terence Hetzel Characterization of peak capacity of microbore liquid chromatography columns using gradient kinetic plots Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology Germany Csaba Horvath Young Scientist Award finalist |
Kevin A. Schug Further development of liquid chromatography – triple quadrupole – mass spectrometry for top-down intact protein separation and quantitation The University of Texas at Arlington USA Invited Oral |
Erwin Rosenberg Characterization of saffron marker- and aroma compounds by one- and comprehensive two-dimensional HPLC-IT-TOF-MS analysis Vienna University of Technology Austria |
Oral 2 17:20 - 17:40 |
Suhas Nawada 3D printed cellular automata as optimized stationary phase geometries University of Canterbury New Zealand |
![]() Eva Tyteca UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS quantitation of natural estrogens in aqueous matrices as pyridine-3-sulfonyl derivatives Université de Liège Belgium Csaba Horvath Young Scientist Award finalist |
Karine Faure Comprehensive two-dimensional centrifugal partition chromatography- liquid chromatography (CPC x LC): Providing preparative separation for complex plant extracts CNRS Université Lyon 1 France |
Oral 3 17:40 - 18:00 |
Ta-Chen Wei Synthesis of superficially porous monoliths with ordered, elongated mesoporous channels normal to the surface Agilent Technologies USA |
Alexander Schriewer Analysis of coenzyme A derivates in breast cancer cells by means of online SPE-HILIC-ESI-MS/MS University of Münster Germany |
Maryse Vanderplanck Chromatographic analysis of alkaloids in Aconitum pollen: Towards new insights in plant protection mechanisms University of Liège - Gembloux Agro-Bio-Tech Belgium |
19:00 - 23:00 |
Gala dinner, Žofín Palace |
Session 13 |
FUN 13 Data analysis, validation and chemometrics Chairs: Gabriel Vivo-Truyols, Isabelle Francois |
HYP 13 MS applications from inorganics to pharmaceuticals Chairs: Paul Haddad, Ron M.A. Heeren |
APP 13 Clinical analysis Chairs: Josef Cvačka, Marcos Eberlin |
YOU 13 Ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography Chairs: Francesco Gasparrini, Lina Zhou |
Keynote 09:00 - 09:30 |
Yvan Vander Heyden Chromatographic fingerprints, experimental designs and multivariate calibration to study interesting compounds in plants. Case study indole alkaloids from psychotria nemorosa Vrije Universiteit Brussel Belgium |
Uwe Karst Tracing metallopharmaceuticals in the human body in space and time: The complementary power of separations and imaging techniques University of Muenster Germany |
Ian D. Wilson Digging deeper into the metabolome: Adding ion mobility spectrometry as a 3rd dimension to biomarker discovery and analysis via UPLC-IMS-MS Imperial College London United Kingdom |
Oral 1 09:30 - 09:50 |
Jan Urban Noise characterization and peak deconvolution in liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry based on probability theory University of South Bohemia Czech Republic |
![]() Antonín Bednařík Thin-layer chromatography coupled to diode laser thermal vaporization ICP MS Masaryk University Czech Republic Csaba Horvath Young Scientist Award finalist |
Tomasz Baczek Assessment of biogenic amines along with their precursors and metabolites supported by new sample pretreatment and separation solutions Medical University of Gdansk Poland |
Oral 2 09:50 - 10:10 |
Maria Celia Garcia-Alvarez-Coque Measurement of resolution in complex chromatograms aimed to optimise the separation University of Valencia Spain |
Lisa Frensemeier Electrochemical activation of platinum based cytostatics investigated by means of liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry University of Münster Germany |
Makoto Tsunoda One-minute separation of five biothiols using amide-modified liquid chromatography chip University of Tokyo Japan |
Oral 3 10:10 - 10:30 |
Ludivine Ferey Quality-by-design, a powerful tool for analytical method development in pharmaceutical analysis: Case of multiproduct separation ChemBioPharm team France |
Stefanie Wernisch Isomer separations of plasma metabolites by differential mobility coupled to tandem mass spectrometry University of Michigan USA |
David Friedecký Untargeted metabolomics in diagnosing inherited metabolic diseases Palacký University in Olomouc Czech Republic |
10:30 - 11:00 |
Coffee break, Exhibition, Posters |
Session 14 |
FUN 14 Ultra-high resolution separations Chairs: Deirdre Cabooter, Govert Somsen |
HYP 14 High-throughput, data processing and bioinformatics Chairs: Yvan Vander Heyden, Jan Urban |
APP 14 Environmental analysis Chairs: Mirek Macka, Ivan Mikšík |
YOU 14 Clinical analysis Chairs: Pat Sandra, Eva Tyteca |
Keynote 11:00 - 11:30 |
Sebastiaan Eeltink Advancing native protein separations by size exclusion and hydrophobic interaction chromatography Vrije Universiteit Brussel Belgium |
Gabriel Vivo-Truyols Bayesian methods for data analysis in HPLC: A paradigm shift University of Amsterdam Netherlands |
Christian Klampfl Investigations on the metabolization of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in cress (Lepidium sativum) grown hydroponically in drug contaminated water Johannes Kepler-University Austria |
Oral 1 11:30 - 11:50 |
Ken Broeckhoven Elucidating the contribution of injection and detection to dispersion in liquid chromatography using light-induced fluorescence measurements Vrije Universiteit Brussel Belgium |
Paweł Wiczling How to quickly find a desired separation? Integration of information and decision-making in chromatography Medical University of Gdańsk Poland |
Josephine Lübeck Characterization of fast pyrolysis oils using supercritical fluid chromatography – mass spectrometry and chemometric data analysis University of Copenhagen Denmark |
Oral 2 11:50 - 12:10 |
Stefan Lamotte High resolution in liquid chromatography- that’s what dreams are made of BASF SE Germany |
Oscar Nuñez Liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and chemometrics for the identification of frauds in extra-virgin olive oil authentication University of Barcelona Spain |
Jean-Christophe Garrigues Microporous organogel materials for sample preparation and green SFC and U-HPLC separations CNRS France |
Oral 3 12:10 - 12:30 |
Takuya Kubo New platform for simple and rapid protein-based affinity reactions Kyoto University Japan |
Kerstin Zawatzky Pushing the speed limit for high throughput LC-MS analysis in support of pharmaceutical development research Merck & Co., Inc. USA |
Wolfgang Buchberger Residue analysis of pharmaceuticals in plants Johannes Kepler University Austria |
12:30 - 13:30 |
Lunch |
Closing plenary session Chairs: Michal Holčapek, František Foret, Pavel Jandera |
13:30 - 13:40 |
Medal ceremony Medals of University of Pardubice |
13:40 - 14:10 |
Ultrafast chiral separations on modern chiral stationary phases: Considerations on the impact of the particle geometry on the kinetic performance of the column |
14:10 - 14:40 |
Capillary electrophoresis as a tool for bottom-up proteomics |
14:40 - 15:10 |
Sample preconcentration techniques in-line coupled with capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry |
15:10 - 15:25 |
Invitations from 3 future chairmen HPLC 2019 Milan, HPLC 2018 Washington, HPLC 2017 Jeju |
15:25 - 15:45 |
Closing ceremony Csaba Horváth Young Scientist Award & Best Poster Award Chairs: Atilla Felinger, Gerard Rozing, Jiří Urban |
15:45 - 16:45 |
Individual posters (all, including Best Poster Award) will be presented by following the scientific program of oral sessions.
Posters from FUN, HYP, and APP sessions 1 – 4 will be presented on Monday, posters from session 5 – 8 on Tuesday, and posters from sessions 9 – 12 on Wednesday. Posters from the Thursday´s sessions will be moved in the following way: FUN 13 and FUN 14 to Monday, HYP 13 and HYP 14 to Tuesday, and APP 13 and APP 14 to Wednesday.
Posters from YOU sessions to be presented on Monday and Tuesday will be included in Monday poster session, posters from YOU sessions to be presented on Wednesday and Thursday will be included in Tuesday poster session.
The poster presenters are required to present their poster during the following time on the day of their presentation: odd numbers from 13:00 to 14:00, and even numbers from 15:30 to 16:30.
The additional presentation of Best Poster Award finalists will be organized on Thursday from 10:30 to 11:00.
Legend: FUN1-O1-Mo (Scientific session - Presentation number - Presentation day - Su – Sunday, Mo – Monday, Tu – Tuesday, We – Wednesday, Th – Thursday) PL – Plenary Lecture, O – Oral or Invited Oral Presentation, KN – Keynote Lecture, TU – Tutorial Lecture, SO – Short Oral Presentation, P – Poster, SC – Short Course
Poster number | Last name | First name | Affiliation | Country | Title |
FUN1-P01-Mo |
Molnár |
Imre |
Institute for Applied Chromatography |
Germany |
Modeling UHPLC separations |
FUN1-P02-Mo |
Mack |
Anne |
Agilent Technologies |
Sub-2-μm superficially porous particles: Is smaller better? |
FUN1-P03-Mo |
Sanchez |
A. Carl |
Phenomenex |
Chromatographic behavior of biomolecules when using controlled surface charge (U)HPLC sorbents |
FUN1-P04-Mo |
Cantwell |
Niamh |
Ireland |
Investigating new particle assemblies, packing and detection platforms for improved chromatographic efficiencies and speed. |
FUN1-P05-Mo |
Kazoka |
Helena |
Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesys |
Latvia |
Stationary phase selection for achiral separation of diastereomeric mixtures |
FUN1-P06-Mo |
Kahler |
Ty |
Restek Corporation |
Affecting selectivity and HILIC retention on a fluorophenyl stationary phase |
FUN1-P07-Mo |
Loeker |
Denise |
Institut für Energie- und Umwelttechnik e.V. |
Germany |
Determination of the influence of temperature on the efficiency of miniaturized HPLC-columns. |
FUN1-P08-Mo |
Lambert |
Nándor |
University of Pécs |
Hungary |
Analysis of the mass-transfer properties in chromatographic columns using the total pore blocking method |
FUN1-P09-Mo |
Guttman |
Andras |
Inverse gas chromatography based surface characterization of air plasma treated polydimethylsiloxane samples |
FUN1-P10-Mo |
Takafuji |
Makoto |
Kumamoto University |
Japan |
Pyridinium-based amphiphilic side chains-branched polymer organic phases for high selective HPLC |
FUN1-P11-Mo |
Shearer |
Etsuko |
BioNik Inc. |
Japan |
Evaluation of optimized C30 phase for separation of structurally related isomers |
FUN1-P12-Mo |
McKeown |
Alan |
Advanced Chromatography Technologies Ltd |
United Kingdom |
A practical, selectivity based hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) method development protocol |
FUN1-P13-Mo |
Hashimoto |
Junichi |
Fukushima R&D |
Japan |
Development of a new, highly inert ODS column with high separation performance and strong retentivity |
FUN1-P14-Mo |
Ikegami |
Tohru |
Kyoto Institute of technology |
Japan |
Mushroom- or brush-type polymers on silica? Development and characterization of HILIC stationary phases modified with polyacrylamide. |
FUN1-P15-Mo |
Dinh |
Ngoc Phuoc |
Sweden |
Comprehensive characterization of columns for suppressed anion chromatography |
FUN1-P16-Mo |
Schultz |
Carola |
Shimadzu Europa GmbH |
Germany |
LC column comparison: Fully porous and core-shell |
FUN1-P17-Mo |
Lawrence |
Nicole |
Waters Corporation |
Solid-core particles for chromatographic separations under high pH conditions |
FUN1-P18-Mo |
Kassam |
Karim |
ACD/Labs |
Canada |
Tanaka-parameter based approach for chromatographic column selection: How to locate “k” columns with the most dissimilar selectivity from a selection of “n” columns in a database |
FUN1-P19-Mo |
Jones |
Eddie |
Merck |
Effects of stationary phase and mobile phase modifiers on reversed-phase polypeptide selectivity |
FUN1-P20-Mo |
Loeker |
Denise |
Institut für Energie- und Umwelttechnik e.V. |
Germany |
Development of a packing procedure for miniaturized HPLC columns. |
FUN1-P21-Mo |
Upmanis |
Toms |
Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis |
Latvia |
Separation of 1,4-dihydropyridine derivative and its oxidized form under reversed-phase mode |
FUN2-P01-Mo |
Buckenmaier |
Stephan |
Agilent Technologies |
Germany |
Active matrix modulation for enhanced separation compatibility in two-dimensional liquid chromatography |
FUN2-P02-Mo |
Vanhoenacker |
Gerd |
Research Institute for Chromatography |
Belgium |
Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography for detailed characterization of nonionic surfactants |
FUN2-P03-Mo |
Pursch |
Matthias |
Dow Deutschland Anlagen GmbH |
Germany |
Sensitivity enhancement in two-dimensional liquid chromatography for target analysis in oligomers and pesticides |
FUN2-P04-Mo |
Minarik |
Marek |
Watrex Praha, s.r.o. |
Czech Republic |
A novel method and system for analytical recycle HPLC |
FUN2-P05-Mo |
Jacobsen |
Naja Wessel |
LEO Pharma |
Denmark |
2D-LC with multiple heart-cutting - Three cases where 2D-LC was the technique needed to solve impurity related problems in drug products |
FUN2-P06-Mo |
Baert |
Mathijs |
Ghent University |
Belgium |
Improving peak refocusing in comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography via the combination of aqueous temperature responsive with reversed phase LC |
FUN2-P07-Mo |
Woiwode |
Ulrich |
University of Tuebingen |
Germany |
Core-shell and fully porous quinine-derived chiral stationary phases for UHPLC, comprehensive LC x LC and LC-MS/MS |
FUN2-P08-Mo |
Bäurer |
Stefanie |
University of Tübingen |
Germany |
Comparison of orthogonality of commercially available hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography stationary phases and ion-pair reversed-phase liquid chromatography |
FUN2-P09-Mo |
Adamopoulou |
Theodora |
University of Amsterdam |
Netherlands |
3D-printed microfluidic devices for spatial two-dimensional separations: Design through computational fluid dynamics |
FUN2-P10-Mo |
Hájek |
Tomáš |
University of Pardubice |
Czech Republic |
Automated dual comprehensive HILIC×RP+RP×RP liquid chromatography for separation phenolic compounds |
FUN2-P11-Mo |
Roca |
Liana |
University of Amsterdam |
Netherlands |
Development of a two-dimensional liquid chromatography system for the separation of phosphorylated peptides in human tissue |
FUN2-P12-Mo |
Mallet |
Claude |
Waters Corporation |
Detection of cocaine and its major metabolites in rodent bones by 2D-LC technology |
FUN2-P13-Mo |
Li |
Zhimin |
Waters |
Effective determination of pharmaceutical impurities by two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2DLC) |
FUN2-P15-Mo |
Groeneveld |
Gino |
University of Amsterdam |
Netherlands |
Fast development of LC×LC methods for the characterization of polyether polyols |
FUN2-P16-Mo |
Larson |
Eli |
Gustavus Adolphus |
Numerical simulation of liquid chromatography – Development of a toolkit to enable deeper understanding of nonstandard conditions and advance the state of the art |
FUN2-P17-Mo |
Dow |
Alex |
Preparative 2D-LC of pharmaceutical compounds with multiple chiral centers |
FUN2-P18-Mo |
Sommella |
Eduardo Maria |
University of Reggio Calabria |
Italy |
Improving online comprehensive hydrophilic interaction chromatography × reversed phase-ultra high pressure liquid chromatography coupling by sequential-focusing modulation |
FUN2-P19-Mo |
van Beek |
Fleur |
University of Amsterdam |
Netherlands |
Making analytically incompatible approaches compatible |
FUN2-P20-Mo |
Ishii |
Chiharu |
Kyushu University |
Japan |
Accumulation of D-amino acid residues in various proteins during storage |
FUN2-P21-Mo |
Ueki |
Kenji |
Kyushu University |
Japan |
Development of high resolution Pirkle-type chiral stationary phases and application to D-amino acid analysis in biological matrices. |
FUN2-P22-Mo |
Gora |
Robert |
Faculty of Naturel Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava |
Slovakia |
Development of two-dimensional liquid chromatography methods for characterization of humic substances isolated from various sources |
FUN2-P23-Mo |
Beňo |
Erik |
Comenius University in Bratislava |
Slovakia |
Microbore size-exclusion chromatography of lignin samples isolated by Klason methods |
FUN2-P24-Mo |
Nielsen |
Nikoline Juul |
University of Copenhagen |
Denmark |
Selecting orthogonal stationary phases and optimizing gradients in comprehensive 2D reversed phase LC by use of the hydrophobic subtraction- and the linear solvent strength model |
FUN2-P25-Mo |
Cardinael |
Pascal |
Nomandie Université |
France |
Assessment of a new MVP stationary phase for the 2D-RPLC separation of anthraquinone derivatives using descriptors stemmed from Delaunay triangulation. |
FUN2-P26-Mo |
Abdulhussain |
Noor |
University of Amsterdam |
Netherlands |
Optimization of maniac-assisted nanoparticle analysis |
FUN2-P27-Mo |
Minarik |
Marek |
Watrex Praha, s.r.o. |
Czech Republic |
Ultra-high resolution HPLC by zero dead volume recycling using park and recycle (P+R) approach |
FUN2-P28-Mo |
De Vos |
Jelle |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Belgium |
Design and development of a microfluidic modulator chip for comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography |
FUN2-P29-Mo |
Shoykhet |
Konstantin |
Agilent Technologies |
Germany |
Matching 1st and 2nd dimension in the 2D-LC. Active Solvent Modulation vs. continuous dilution |
FUN2-P30-Mo |
Ruskic |
David |
university |
Switzerland |
Investigations of modifiers on the gas phase separation selectivity in differential mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry |
FUN3-P01-Mo |
Felletti |
Simona |
University Of Ferrara |
Italy |
Experimental and theoretical study of kinetic performance of modern fully porous and superficially porous C18 columns |
FUN3-P02-Mo |
Catani |
Martina |
University of Ferrara |
Italy |
Study of mass transfer phenomena in core-shell and sub-2μm fully porous chiral stationary phases for ultrafast high-performance enantioseparations |
FUN3-P03-Mo |
Goyon |
Alexandre |
University of Geneva |
Switzerland |
The effect of system band broadening in modern size exclusion chromatography. |
FUN3-P04-Mo |
Rybka |
Julia |
Philipps-Universität Marburg |
Germany |
Mobility of analytes in binary solvents at nonpolar modified silica surfaces from molecular dynamics simulations |
FUN4-P01-Mo |
Machtejevas |
Egidijus |
Merck KGaA |
Germany |
Wide pore monolithic silica of various functionalization: Protein A, C18, C8 and C4, in high performance liquid chromatography for large molecule separations |
FUN4-P02-Mo |
Kanazawa |
Hideko |
Keio University |
Japan |
Temperature-responsive molecular recognition chromatography using amino acid derived polymer modified silica beads |
FUN4-P03-Mo |
Moravcová |
Dana |
Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the CAS |
Czech Republic |
Characterization of silica-based monolithic columns modified to mixed-mode stationary phase by phosphonium ionic liquid |
FUN4-P04-Mo |
Planeta |
Josef |
Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the CAS, v. v. i. |
Czech Republic |
Preparation and evaluation of silica capillary monolithic columns for HILIC separations |
FUN4-P05-Mo |
Limé |
Fredrik |
AkzoNobel / Kromasil |
Sweden |
Analysis of small pharmaceuticals and peptide mixtures using chemically stable merged inorganic/organic silica material in reversed phase chromatography |
FUN4-P06-Mo |
Chernobrovkina |
Alla |
Moscow State University |
Russian Federation |
Influence of zwitterion nature on chromatographic performance of HILIC stationary phases |
FUN5-P01-Tu |
Huang |
Yang |
Institute of Pharmaceutical Analysis and Laboratory for the Analysis of Medicine |
China |
Development and validation of a fast SFC method for the analysis of flavonoids in plant extracts |
FUN5-P02-Tu |
Santana |
Cesar |
Brazil |
Analytical challenges associated with the separation and quantification of bioactive compounds from palm oil by ultra-high performance supercritical fluid chromatography |
FUN5-P03-Tu |
Metzlaff |
Melanie |
Agilent Technologies |
Germany |
SFC-QqQ technology to understand metabolism of an achiral Drug to chiral metabolites in biological matrices |
FUN5-P04-Tu |
Hörth |
Patric |
Agilent Technologies |
Germany |
Supercritical fluid chromatography with flexible injection volumes and highest precision on the Agilent 1260 Infinity II Analytical SFC System |
FUN5-P05-Tu |
Ismail |
Omar H. |
Sapienza, University of Rome |
Italy |
Pushing the efficiency of chiral super critical fluid chromatography to unexplored limits with sub 2-micron Whelk-O1 fully porous chiral particles |
FUN5-P06-Tu |
Schad |
Gesa |
Shimadzu Europa GmbH |
Germany |
The power of selectivity and the strength to choose - chiral screening using an SFC / LC switching system |
FUN5-P07-Tu |
Fujito |
Yuka |
Shimadzu Corporation |
Japan |
Development of new polymer-based column for supercritical fluid chromatography |
FUN5-P08-Tu |
Ludwig |
Robert |
Shimadzu Europe GmbH |
Germany |
Advantages of SFC-MS compared to LC-MS in the analysis of small molecules |
FUN5-P09-Tu |
Wang |
Xiaoli |
Agilent Technologies |
Germany |
Understanding the injection parameters of a new SFC autosampler |
FUN5-P10-Tu |
Breitkreitz |
Márcia |
Chemistry Institute, University of Campinas (UNICAMP) |
Brazil |
Stretching ultra high performance supercritical fluid chromatography (UHPSFC) to the limit: Simultaneous analysis of vitamins with different physical-chemical properties |
FUN5-P11-Tu |
Sadownik |
Jan |
Mercachem B.V. |
Netherlands |
The limits of resolution in preparative SFC chiral separations. |
FUN5-P12-Tu |
Sun |
Mingzhe |
Lund University |
Sweden |
Supercritical fluid chromatography with quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry for analysis of lignin-derived compounds |
FUN5-P13-Tu |
Lemasson |
Elise |
France |
Study of achiral selectivity of chiral columns in SFC: Application for impurity profiling of drugs candidates |
FUN5-P14-Tu |
Herrero-Martínez |
José Manuel |
Universitat de Valencia |
Spain |
Development of photografted methacrylate-based chiral monolithic columns with a coating of cellulose tris(3,5-dimethyl phenyl carbamate) for capillary electrochromatography |
FUN5-P15-Tu |
Breitkreitz |
Márcia |
Chemistry Institute, University of Campinas (UNICAMP) |
Brazil |
Comparison of ultra high performance supercritical fluid chromatography and ultra high performance liquid chromatography for pesticide multiresidue analysis in lettuce samples |
FUN6-P01-Tu |
Chen |
Wu |
Agilent Technologies |
The superficially porous particles that were recently developed for separation of small molecules and large biomolecules are reviewed |
FUN6-P02-Tu |
Nakajima |
Osakazu |
Osaka Soda Co., Ltd. |
Japan |
The important properties for an ideal stationary phase |
FUN6-P03-Tu |
Kip |
Cigdem |
Hacettepe University |
Turkey |
Phosphopeptide enrichment via immobilized metal affinity chromatography using phosphonic acid functionalized capillary monolith as a stationary phase in a microfluidic system |
FUN6-P04-Tu |
Demir |
Cihan |
Hacettepe University |
Turkey |
Hybrid stationary phases with retention independent separation performance in nano-hydrophilic interaction chromatography |
FUN6-P05-Tu |
Anspach |
Jason |
Phenomenex |
Method transfer considerations when transferring methods to sub 2 µm GFC columns for bioanalysis |
FUN6-P06-Tu |
Machielse |
Jurgen |
Zeochem AG |
Switzerland |
Peptide and oligonucleotide purification via IEX doped reverse phase chromatography |
FUN6-P07-Tu |
Leśko |
Marek |
Rzeszow University of Technology |
Poland |
Evaluating the advantage of higher heat conductivity of a recent core-shell diamond stationary phase particle in UHPLC |
FUN6-P08-Tu |
Li |
Yingyu |
Agilent Technologies |
Development of charged hybrid materials and their application in peptide separation |
FUN6-P09-Tu |
Kuban |
Anil |
Hacettepe University |
Turkey |
Alkanethiol functionalized organosilicon monoliths via one-pot thiol-methacrylate polymerization for nano-reversed phase chromatography |
FUN6-P10-Tu |
Hara |
Takeshi |
Kyushu University |
Japan |
Investigation of column performance of monolithic silica capillary columns with very narrow column diameter |
FUN6-P11-Tu |
Takafuji |
Makoto |
Kumamoto University |
Japan |
Novel pyridinium-based zwitter ionic polymer-grafted porous silica for HILIC stationary phase |
FUN6-P12-Tu |
Eeltink |
Sebastiaan |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Belgium |
A comprehensive study to the effects of mobile-phase composition on protein retention in hydrophobic interaction chromatography |
FUN6-P13-Tu |
Lloyd |
Linda |
Agilent Technologies |
United Kingdom |
Analytical selectivity enhancements that deliver improved resolution to enable identification of critical quality attributes |
FUN6-P14-Tu |
Salomonson |
Inger |
GE Healthcare |
Sweden |
Improved size separation of peptides and small biomolecules |
FUN6-P15-Tu |
Ishizuka |
Norio |
Emaus Kyoto Inc. |
Japan |
Novel through-porous particles applied to HPLC column |
FUN6-P16-Tu |
Mack |
Anne |
Agilent Technologies |
Improving the analysis of polar analytes with a novel HILIC phase on superficially porous particle LC columns |
FUN6-P17-Tu |
Hara |
Takeshi |
Kyushu University |
Japan |
Exploring effect of mesopore size on column performance of silica-based porous layered open tube capillary columns |
FUN7-P01-Tu |
Petr |
Jan |
Palacky University in Olomouc |
Czech Republic |
Characterization of nanoparticles by means of capillary electrophoresis |
FUN7-P02-Tu |
Öztekin |
Nevin |
Technical University of Istanbul |
Turkey |
Separation and sensitive detection of lanthanides by capillary electrophoresis and contactless conductivity detection |
FUN7-P03-Tu |
Buszewska-Forajta |
Magdalena |
Medical University of Gdańsk |
Poland |
CE-LIF method development and validation for the determination of selected pterins in urine samples |
FUN7-P04-Tu |
Šesták |
Jozef |
Institute of analytical chemistry of the CAS, v.v.i. |
Czech Republic |
New insights into head-column field amplified stacking of weak bases across a short water plug |
FUN7-P05-Tu |
Malá |
Zdeňka |
Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i. |
Czech Republic |
Electrolyte systems for analysis of very weak acids by anionic isotachophoresis with electrospray-ionization mass-spectrometric detection |
FUN7-P06-Tu |
Nishimura |
Naoki |
Kyoto University |
Japan |
Molecular sieving separation of biomolecules with PEG-hydrogel packed capillaries in capillary gel electrophoresis. |
FUN7-P07-Tu |
Esaka |
Yukihiro |
Gifu Pharmaceutical University |
Japan |
Development of highly sensitive methods for detection of damaged nucleotides by using CE enrichment coupled with on-line complexation followed by ESI-MS measurement |
FUN7-P08-Tu |
Tycova |
Anna |
University of Leipzig |
Germany |
Designing of microfluidic-based capillary electrophoresis with on-line surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy detection |
FUN7-P09-Tu |
Kahle |
Julia |
TU Braunschweig |
Germany |
The next generation of capillary electrophoresis: CE-SDS instrument evaluation for protein analysis |
FUN7-P10-Tu |
Tůmová |
Tereza |
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences |
Czech Republic |
Estimation of effective charges and ionic mobilities of strongly basic antimicrobial peptides using capillary electromigration methods |
FUN7-P11-Tu |
Huang |
Shengyun |
KU Leuven |
Belgium |
Development of a separation technology for O6-benzylguanine and 8-oxo-O6-benzylguanine to study aldehyde oxidase by the use of capillary electrophoresis with UV detection |
FUN7-P12-Tu |
Sazelova |
Petra |
Institute of Organic Chemisty and Biochemistry of the CAS |
Czech Republic |
Enantioseparation and assessment of racemization barriers of selected helquats and their derivatives by capillary electrophoresis using sulfated cyclodextrins as chiral selectors |
FUN7-P13-Tu |
Janštová |
Lenka |
Mendel University, Brno |
Czech Republic |
The use of different types of reaction boundaries and their application in electrophoresis. |
FUN7-P14-Tu |
Svobodova |
Jana |
Institute of Physiology |
Czech Republic |
Separation of oligopeptides, nucleobases, nucleosides and nucleotides using capillary electrophoresis/electrochromatography with sol-gel modified inner capillary wall |
FUN7-P15-Tu |
Riasová |
Petra |
Univerzita Karlova, Farmaceutická fakulta Hradec Králové |
Czech Republic |
Development of a micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography method for the determination of impurities in indomethacin |
FUN7-P16-Tu |
Mikkonen |
Saara |
University of Bern |
Switzerland |
Comparison of GENTRANS and COMSOL Multiphysics for high-resolution dynamic computer simulation of electrophoresis |
FUN7-P17-Tu |
Pangavhane |
Sachin |
Czech Republic |
Affinity capillary electrophoresis and quantum mechanical calculations applied to investigation of [Gly6]-antamanide binding with small cations |
FUN7-P18-Tu |
Solinova |
Veronika |
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS |
Czech Republic |
Determination of acidity constants and ionic mobilities of carborane-based carbonic anhydrase inhibitors by capillary electrophoresis |
FUN7-P19-Tu |
Karásek |
Pavel |
Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the CAS, v. v. i. |
Czech Republic |
Two-cylinder capillary manufactured by etching with sub-/supercritical water as a tool for electrophoretic separations |
FUN7-P20-Tu |
Pallmann |
Sebastian |
Ludwig-Maximilians-University München |
Germany |
Hadamard transform capillary zone electrophoresis (HT-CZE): Benefits and limitations of a multiplexing technique on an unmodified standard CE system |
FUN7-P21-Tu |
Ansorge |
Martin |
Charles University |
Czech Republic |
Partial filling method and flow induced dispersion analysis – alternative methods for determination of stability constants to affinity capillary electrophoresis |
FUN7-P22-Tu |
Ördögová |
Magda |
Charles University |
Czech Republic |
From HVLR to HVL function: Development of injection zones in capillary zone electrophoresis |
FUN7-P23-Tu |
Steflova |
Jana |
Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague |
Czech Republic |
Optimization of selected Cu free click reactions and their applicability in on-line labeling in CZE |
FUN7-P24-Tu |
Moldovan |
Radu-Cristian |
University of Liege |
Belgium |
Separation of FLEC diastereomers by CE vs. LC approaches in the context of neurometabolomics |
FUN7-P25-Tu |
Tůma |
Petr |
Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine |
Czech Republic |
On-line monitoring of physiological processes by capillary electrophoresis |
FUN7-P26-Tu |
Ďurč |
Pavol |
Masaryk University |
Czech Republic |
Rapid method for diagnosis of methanol and ethylene glycol poisoning from blood samples by capillary electrophoresis |
FUN7-P27-Tu |
Gagliardi |
Leonardo G. |
Universidad Nacional de La Plata y CONICET |
Argentina |
Capillary electrophoresis chiral separations: Mathematical approach to determine optimum chiral selector concentration |
FUN7-P28-Tu |
Mora |
Maria |
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Microchip electrophoresis instrumentation for detection of biosignatures on future in situ planetary investigations |
FUN7-P29-Tu |
Öztekin |
Nevin |
Technical University of Istanbul |
Turkey |
Determination of underivatized amino acids by capillary zone electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detection |
FUN8-P01-Tu |
Veloutsou |
Sofia |
Technical University of Munich |
Germany |
The serial RPLC-HILIC system for direct injection of high water content solutions to a HILIC column for the separation of polar and very polar compounds |
FUN8-P03-Tu |
Heaton |
James |
Pfizer Ltd |
United Kingdom |
An investigation into the applicability of hydrophilic interaction chromatography for the co-analysis of some antibiotic and antiretroviral compounds |
FUN8-P04-Tu |
Hutta |
MIlan |
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava |
Slovakia |
Humic substances - analysis and characterization of operationally defined substances by HPLC with tandem multidetection |
FUN8-P05-Tu |
Wouters |
Sam |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Belgium |
Development of a microfluidic ion chromatographic analyzer and application to trace analysis in Arctic ice cores |
FUN8-P06-Tu |
Nane |
İkbal Demet |
Suleyman Demirel University |
Turkey |
Chromatographic determination of pKa value of capecitabine with RPLC method |
FUN8-P07-Tu |
Zatirakha |
Alexandra |
Lomonosov Moscow State University |
Russian Federation |
Influence of external functional layer of anion-exchangers on their selectivity toward weakly retained organic acids |
FUN9-P01-We |
Nguyen |
Jennifer |
Waters Corporation |
A Comparison of the Selectivity of Solid-Core CORTECS Columns and Fully Porous Columns |
FUN9-P02-We |
Watanabe |
Kyoko |
Shimadzu Corporation |
Japan |
(U)HPLC basics and beyond: An evaluation of (U)HPLC operating parameters and their effect on chromatographic performance. |
FUN9-P05-We |
Chutkowski |
Marcin |
Rzeszow University of Technology |
Poland |
Retention behavior of selected test substances in a diamond-based core-shell Flare HILIC column – preliminary investigations |
FUN9-P07-We |
Maljuric |
Nevena |
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Pharmacy |
Serbia |
Stoichiometry and stability constants determination of β-cyclodextrin-drug complexes |
FUN9-P08-We |
Molnár |
Imre |
Institute for Applied Chromatography |
Germany |
Simulation based investigation of the electroosmotic flow in capillary electrophoresis columns in the presence of forced convection |
FUN9-P10-We |
Fiala |
Jan |
Masaryk University |
Czech Republic |
HILIC or ERLIC; could we distinguish them? |
FUN9-P11-We |
Nekrasova |
Nadezhda |
Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Korolev |
Russian Federation |
Quantitative structure – retention relationships for quinoline derivatives under conditions of reversed-phase liquid chromatography |
FUN9-P12-We |
Reising |
Arved Ernst |
Philipps-Universität Marburg |
Germany |
Analysis of packing microstructure and wall effects in a narrow-bore UHPLC column |
FUN9-P13-We |
Tallarek |
Ulrich |
Philipps-Universität Marburg |
Germany |
Morphology based optimization of the packing protocol leading to ultra-efficient capillary columns |
FUN9-P14-We |
Chrenková |
Lucia |
Charles University, Faculty of pharmacy |
Slovakia |
Mixed mode stationary phases: Effect of mobile phase type and its ionic strength on separation |
FUN9-P15-We |
Fruehauf |
Peter |
University of Vienna |
Austria |
New achiral strong cation-exchange type (SCX) and zwitterion-exchange type (ZWIX) stationary phases for the separation of basic analytes in different chromatographic modes |
FUN9-P17-We |
Xiamuxiding |
Adeljiang |
Umeå University |
Sweden |
Probing the retention mechanism in hydrophilic interaction chromatography using saturation transfer difference nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy |
FUN9-P18-We |
Poturcu |
Kader |
Suleyman Demirel University |
Turkey |
Experimental pKa's of Benzimidazole Anthelmintics by RPLC |
FUN9-P19-We |
Kučera |
Radim |
Charles University |
Czech Republic |
The influence of experimental conditions on chiral separation of anionic boron cluster compounds by liquid chromatography |
FUN9-P20-We |
Terzić |
Jelena |
Medicines and Medical Devices Agency of Serbia |
Serbia |
Assessment of retention behavior of heterogeneous group of antihistamines on two diol columns |
FUN9-P21-We |
Poturcu |
Kader |
Suleyman Demirel University |
Turkey |
Determination of dissociation constant for R- and S-isomers of cefpodoxime by using RPLC Method |
FUN9-P22-We |
Steiner |
Frank |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Germany |
Instrumental parameters that affect method transfer in UHPLC separations |
FUN9-P23-We |
Krokhin |
Oleg |
University of Manitoba |
Canada |
Peptide retention time prediction in HILIC: Comparison of separation selectivity between bare silica and bonded stationary phases using ~40,000 peptide datasets |
FUN10-P01-We |
Wang |
Yanmei |
University of Science and Technology of China |
China |
A novel PMOXA/PAA mixed brush with switchable properties toward on-line concentration of protein in capillary electrophoresis |
FUN10-P02-We |
Maya Alejandro |
Fernando |
Universitat de les Illes Balears |
Spain |
Strategies for the preparation of metal-organic framework/polymer hybrid beads and monoliths and their applications as sorbents for sample preparation |
FUN10-P03-We |
Wang |
Qiqin |
Jinan University |
China |
Preparation and evaluation of a novel choline phos-phate functionalized polymeric monolith for hydro-philic interaction chromatography |
FUN10-P04-We |
Uzhel |
Anna |
Moscow State University |
Russian Federation |
Covalently-bonded hyperbranched anion-exchangers for ion chromatography |
FUN10-P05-We |
Fresco |
Beatriz |
University of Córdoba |
Spain |
Incorporation of single-walled carbon nanohorns in methacrylate monoliths for nano liquid chromatography |
FUN10-P06-We |
Metelka |
Radovan |
University of Pardubice |
Czech Republic |
Enhancing the capabilities of electrochemical detection in HPLC-ED with capillary monolithic columns |
FUN10-P07-We |
Ramis-Ramos |
Guillermo |
University o Valencia |
Spain |
Photografting of fluoropolymer tubes for the preparation of organic monolithic columns |
FUN10-P08-We |
Kung |
An-Wen |
University of Sheffield |
United Kingdom |
Studying the effect of monolith porosity on the analysis of nucleic acids using ion pair reversed phase and non-retentive HPLC |
FUN10-P09-We |
Lan |
Hangzhen |
University of Helsinki |
Finland |
Zeolitic imidazolate framework-8-coated solid-phase microextraction arrow in the extraction of amines |
FUN10-P10-We |
Zajickova |
Zuzana |
Barry University |
Surface modification of hybrid organo-silica monolithic capillary columns: Photografting vs. “one-pot” |
FUN10-P12-We |
Demir |
Cihan |
Hacettepe University |
Turkey |
Preparation of phenylboronic acid functionalized-polyhedral oligomeric siloxane monolithic column via one-pot approach for nano liquid chromatography of small molecules |
FUN11-P01-We |
Farsang |
Evelin |
University of Pannonia |
Hungary |
Estimation of axial variation of eluent properties using isenthalpic plots |
FUN12-P01-We |
Upmanis |
Toms |
Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis |
Latvia |
Enantioseparation of 4C substituted pyrrolidine-2-ones on polysaccharide type coated chiral stationary phases |
FUN12-P02-We |
Okamoto |
Yukihiro |
Osaka University |
Japan |
Induction of chiral recognition with lipid nano-domains produced by polymerization for high performance chiral separation |
FUN12-P03-We |
Kanao |
Eisuke |
Kyoto University |
Japan |
Importance of hydrogen bonding on deuterium isotope effects in liquid chromatographic separation |
FUN12-P04-We |
Ratih |
Technical University of Braunschweig |
Germany |
Immobilization of chondroitin sulfate a into monolithic epoxy column for chiral separation |
FUN12-P05-We |
De Martino |
Michela |
Sapienza, University of Rome |
Italy |
From sub 2-micron fully porous teicoplanin-based zwitterionic chiral stationary phases to 2-micron superficially porous ones: What can we expect in terms of efficiency gain? |
FUN12-P06-We |
Kohler |
David |
ES Industries |
Unique chemically modified carbohydrate based chiral stationary phases to improve chiral separations |
FUN12-P07-We |
Taniguchi |
Ashin |
Kyoto Institute of Technology |
Japan |
Development and characterization of HILIC stationary phases modified with polymers possessing chiral group based on cysteine derivatives. |
FUN12-P08-We |
Hroboňová |
Katarína |
Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Brat |
Slovakia |
Enantioselective HPLC separation of amino acids. Comparison of different types of chiral stationary phases and chromatographic separation modes. |
FUN13-P01-Mo |
Wang |
Pingshan |
Clemson University |
A highly sensitive microwave flow detector for gradient elution liquid chromatography |
FUN13-P02-Mo |
Martin Tornero |
Elisabet |
Spain |
Determination of phenantrene metabolites in milk using second and third order multivariate HPLC- fluorimetric signals. |
FUN13-P03-Mo |
Roussel |
Jean-Marc |
Analytical Methods Development and Validation |
France |
About the use of prediction and content tolerance intervals in modern HPLC/UHPLC assay methods validation |
FUN13-P04-Mo |
Krmar |
Jovana |
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade |
Serbia |
Quantitative structure–retention relationships modelling of aripiprazole and its impurities in micellar liquid chromatography using artificial neural network |
FUN13-P05-Mo |
Torres-Lapasió |
Jose Ramon |
University of Valencia |
Spain |
Gradient design for chromatography using multi-scale optimization |
FUN13-P06-Mo |
Navarro-Huerta |
Jose Antonio |
University of Valencia |
Spain |
Assisted baseline subtraction in complex chromatograms using the BEADS algorithm |
FUN13-P07-Mo |
Segers |
Karen |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Belgium |
SIFT-MS spectra as an alternative for GC-MS chromatograms to classify healthy, asthmatic and cystic- fibrosis breath samples of children |
FUN13-P08-Mo |
Sasaki |
Tsukasa |
Analytical and Quality Evaluation Research Laboratories |
Japan |
Compatibility visualization of aqueous pH with binary organic composition by statistical grid modeling of retention kinetics: A method for optimized reversed phase UHPLC separation |
FUN13-P09-Mo |
Wingert |
Nathalie |
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul |
Brazil |
Application of quality by design to optimize LC analysis of drugs and their synthetic impurities: case study for ticagrelor |
FUN13-P10-Mo |
Macka |
Mirek |
University of Tasmania |
Australia |
The potential of under 250 nm deep UV-LEDs in chemical analysis: 235 nm UV-LED photometric detection in capillary liquid chromatography |
FUN13-P12-Mo |
Stein |
Matthias Oliver |
University of Brunswick – Institute of Technology |
Germany |
Experimental design and measurement error in drug-protein binding studies |
FUN13-P13-Mo |
Jensen |
Casper Egholm |
University of Copenhagen |
Denmark |
Retention time prediction by LSS parameters and mapping of effective gradient: synthesis of calibration standards and errors or prediction |
FUN13-P14-Mo |
Andersen |
Asbjørn |
University of Copenhagen |
Denmark |
PARAFAC2 curve resolution in LC-MS-based study of the metabolomic response of Brassica napus L to glyphosate |
FUN13-P15-Mo |
Fujimura |
Daiki |
Shimadzu Corporation |
Japan |
Peak deconvolution analysis with photodiode array detector |
FUN13-P16-Mo |
Metzlaff |
Melanie |
Agilent Technologies |
Germany |
Automated targeted screening of leachables in pharmaceutical QC labs using an Agilent Single Quadrupole LC/MS system and controlled by OpenLAB CDS |
FUN13-P17-Mo |
Wiczling |
Paweł |
Medical University of Gdańsk |
Poland |
Analyzing chromatographic data using multilevel (hierarchical) models |
FUN13-P18-Mo |
Wingert |
Nathalie |
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul |
Brazil |
Quality by design approach in the development of a stability indicating method for determination of apixaban and its related impurities |
FUN13-P19-Mo |
Kolovanov |
Eduard |
Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc. |
Russian Federation |
IntelliXtract 2.0: Simplified intelligent component extraction and detection |
FUN13-P20-Mo |
Schmidt |
Alexander |
Chromicent GmbH |
Germany |
Quality by design throughout the lifecycle of an analytical procedure demonstrated by an example for a purity method of a drug product |
FUN14-P01-Mo |
Dorival-Garcia |
Noemi |
Ireland |
Identification and monitoring leachables from Single-Use Bags (SUBs) for mammalian cells culture by Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction (DLLME) followed by UHPLC-QToF-MS |
FUN14-P02-Mo |
Nagae |
Norikazu |
ChromaNik Technologies Inc. |
Japan |
Some hint on how to make a standard UHPLC column with + 300 000 theoretical plates/meter |
FUN14-P03-Mo |
Guazzotti |
Sergio |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
The analysis of polar ionic pesticides by ion-exchange chromatography tandem mass spectrometry: The possible solution to a longstanding problematic analysis? |
FUN14-P04-Mo |
Eghbali |
Hamed |
The Dow Chemical Company |
Netherlands |
Gel permeation chromatography with reduced column dimensions for industrial applications |
FUN14-P05-Mo |
Farsang |
Evelin |
University of Pannonia |
Hungary |
Study of retention behavior of bioactive macromolecules in ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography |
FUN14-P06-Mo |
Nane |
İkbal Demet |
Suleyman Demirel University |
Turkey |
Method optimization and validation for determination of cetirizine with reversed phase liquid chromatographic method |
FUN14-P08-Mo |
Simeone |
Jennifer |
Waters Corporation |
Automating mobile phase pH for peptide mapping for LC-UV-MS methods |
FUN14-P09-Mo |
Leiss |
Michael |
Roche Diagnostics GmbH |
Germany |
A SE-UHPLC method for routine characterization of a variety of different MAb formats was developed and implemented in GMP release analytics and stability testing. |
FUN14-P10-Mo |
Francois |
Isabelle |
Waters |
France |
Comparison of HPLC and UHPLC analysis of polymer additives with photo diode array and mass detection |
FUN14-P11-Mo |
Horna |
Ales |
Tomas Bata University In Zlin |
Czech Republic |
Application of UPLC/MS/MS to the analysis of bio active compounds in apples and cherries |
FUN14-P12-Mo |
Zhao |
Eugene Yuexing |
Welch Materials (Zhejiang), Inc. |
The chromatographic behavior of the PFP fused-core phases in the separation of ten anthocyanins |
FUN14-P14-Mo |
DeLoffi |
Maureen |
Waters Corporation |
Considerations for maximizing the efficiency benefits of sub-2-µm solid core particles |
FUN14-P15-Mo |
Garcia-Campana |
Ana M. |
Facultad De Ciencias |
Spain |
A high-throughput method for the determination of 5-nitroimidazoles in fish roe samples combining salting-out assisted liquid/liquid extraction and UHPLC-MS/MS |
FUN14-P16-Mo |
Ferrone |
Vincenzo |
University "G.d'Annunzio" |
Italy |
Graphene/Fe3O4 nanocomposite based dispersive magnetic solid phase extraction coupled with UHPLC-PDA for simultaneous determination of NSAIDs in human plasma and urine |
FUN14-P17-Mo |
Carlucci |
Giuseppe |
University "G.d'Annunzio" |
Italy |
Synthesis and application of graphene/Fe3O4 magnetic nanocomposite as efficient sorbent for the UHPLC-PDA determination of mytomicin C and 5-fluorouracil in human plasma |
HYP1-P01-Mo |
Heering |
Agnes |
University of Tartu |
Estonia |
Unified pH of LC mobile phases |
HYP1-P02-Mo |
Rainville |
Paul |
Waters Corporation |
Ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) combined with UPLC/MS for metabolic phenotyping: Effects of column length, gradient duration and IMS on metabolite detection. |
HYP1-P03-Mo |
Klein |
Julia |
University Duisburg-Essen |
Germany |
Analysis of a Chinese herb formulation with HPLC and high resolution IM-qTOF-M |
HYP1-P04-Mo |
Vláčil |
Daniel |
Bruker s.r.o. |
Czech Republic |
High resolution trapped ion mobility mass spectrometry analysis of isomeric compounds |
HYP2-P01-Mo |
Bell |
David |
MilliporeSigma |
Overcoming matrix effect challenges in multi class, multi residue LC/MS/MS analysis via biocompatible solid phase micro extraction (BioSPME). |
HYP2-P02-Mo |
Elmsjö |
Albert |
Uppsala University |
Sweden |
Selectivity evaluation using the co-feature ratio in LC/MS metabolomics: comparison of HILIC columns performance for the analysis of plasma, urine and cell extracts. |
HYP2-P03-Mo |
Svan |
Alfred |
Division of Analytical Pharmaceutical Chemistry |
Sweden |
The differences in matrix effects between supercritical fluid chromatography and reversed phase liquid chromatography coupled to ESI/MS analyzing blood plasma |
HYP2-P04-Mo |
Edge |
Tony |
Agilent Technologies |
United Kingdom |
An investigation into the degree of ion suppression caused by column bleed using modern LC-MS compatible columns |
HYP3-P01-Mo |
Lin |
Shanhua |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
High resolution LC/MS separation and characterization of chemoenzymatic site-specific engineered antibody-drug-conjugates (ADCS) |
HYP3-P02-Mo |
Cook |
Ken |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
United Kingdom |
Novel ways to directly introduce salt based chromatography techniques of SEC and IEX of biopharmaceutical proteins into High Resolution Mass Spectrometry |
HYP3-P03-Mo |
Bostelaar |
Lein Jan |
Vishay BCcomponents B.V. |
Netherlands |
HPLC-QTOF-MS analysis of the esterification and amidization of complex ammonium branched chain carboxylate salt mixtures |
HYP3-P04-Mo |
Salome |
Ron |
Dow Benelux |
Netherlands |
Impurity profiling of commercial Poly (ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate macro monomer using LC-ELSD/LC-MS |
HYP3-P05-Mo |
Borovcova |
Lucie |
Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc |
Czech Republic |
Comparison of ultra-high performance liquid chromatography and supercritical fluid chromatography methods for analysis of photoinitiators as potential food contaminants |
HYP3-P06-Mo |
Drotleff |
Bernhard |
University of Tuebingen |
Germany |
Quantification of steroid hormones in plasma using a surrogate calibrant approach and HPLC-HR-MS/MS with SWATH-Acquisition |
HYP3-P07-Mo |
Nixdorf |
Suzana |
Universidade Estadual de Londrina |
Brazil |
Trattinnickia rhoifolia extract profile and biomarkers determined by HRGC-MS/MS and UPLC-MS/MS for leishmaniasis treatment |
HYP3-P08-Mo |
Abdel-Megied |
Ahmed |
Faculty of Pharmacy, Kafrelsheikh University |
Egypt |
Development a novel LC-MS/MS method for simultaneous quantification of sofosbuvir and daclatasvir combined dosage form in human plasma: Application to pharmacokinetic study |
HYP3-P09-Mo |
Guo |
Yidan |
China |
Simultaneous identification of trace organic impurities in purified terephthalic acid by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography–quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry |
HYP3-P10-Mo |
Cho |
Eunji |
Kyungpook National University |
Korea |
After gulf war oil spill, what are left in the contaminated soil from oil lake? – molecular level investigation with preparative HPLC and ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry |
HYP3-P11-Mo |
Josephs |
Jonathan |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Native ion exchange chromatography coupled directly to Orbitrap mass spectrometry allows surface charge discrimination and online detection of intact proteins |
HYP4-P01-Mo |
Semyonov |
Alexander |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Enhancing analytical confidence and detection limits for IC and LC applications by coupling them to single quadrupole mass spectrometry |
HYP4-P02-Mo |
Cheng |
Cheanyeh |
Chung Yuan Christian University |
Taiwan |
Development of 2-dimensional liquid chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry for online microextraction, separation and analysis of ionophore coccidiostat residues in chicken eggs |
HYP4-P03-Mo |
Iguiniz |
Marion |
Insitut des Sciences Analytiques |
France |
Development of LCxLC-UV/MS platform as analytical strategy for the analysis of pharmaceutical compounds |
HYP4-P04-Mo |
Roblova |
Vendula |
Masaryk University |
Czech Republic |
Liquid chromatography with apci and saldi mass spectrometry detection using silver nanoparticles in cholesteryl esters analysis |
HYP4-P06-Mo |
Wright |
Michael |
United Kingdom |
Improving robustness and efficiency in bioanalysis using “Trap & Back Elute” two dimensional LC-MS/MS |
HYP5-P01-Tu |
Lock |
Stephen |
Sciex |
United Kingdom |
CESI–MS detection and quantitation of Neuropeptides |
HYP5-P02-Tu |
Bělehrad |
Jakub |
Masary University |
Czech Republic |
Capillary electrophoresis of selenium species with substrate-assisted laser desorption ICP MS detection. |
HYP5-P03-Tu |
Gregus |
Michal |
Masaryk University |
Czech Republic |
Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry as a novel technique in analysis of cholesterol and its metabolites |
HYP5-P04-Tu |
Lock |
Stephen |
Sciex |
United Kingdom |
Improving identification and quantification of polar herbicides by CE-MS |
HYP5-P05-Tu |
Konášová |
Renáta |
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS |
Czech Republic |
Comparison of suitability of two highly sensitive CE-MS interfaces for determination of stability constants of potassium crown ether complexes by affinity CE with MS detection |
HYP5-P06-Tu |
Thorn |
Jim |
United Kingdom |
The study of intact casein as a model system for the separation of intact phosphorylated proteins by Capillary Electrospray Ionization (CESI) |
HYP5-P07-Tu |
Neusüß |
Christian |
Aalen University |
Germany |
Comparison of three CE-ESI-MS interfaces applied to organic acids in negative mode and to digested and reduced proteins in positive mode |
HYP6-P01-Tu |
Kobayashi |
Hiroshi |
Shinwa Chemical Industries, Ltd. |
Japan |
Effect of acidic additives on peak capacity and detectivity in peptide mapping using nano-flow LC/MS with low-density C18 monolithic silica capillary columns |
HYP6-P02-Tu |
Peretzki |
Andrea |
University of Leipzig |
Germany |
On-chip coupling of HPLC and droplet microfluidics for further downstream processes |
HYP6-P03-Tu |
Vrkoslav |
Vladimír |
IOCB Prague |
Czech Republic |
The use of micro-API source in HPLC analysis of lipids |
HYP6-P04-Tu |
Hetzel |
Terence |
Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology |
Germany |
The ultimate limitations in micro-liquid chromatography in terms of speed, efficiency and sensitivity |
HYP6-P05-Tu |
Fischer |
Gavin |
Sciex |
Microflow LC-MS/MS workflow allows high sensitivity for targeted metabolomics |
HYP6-P06-Tu |
Kip |
Cigdem |
Hacettepe University |
Turkey |
Preparation of phenylboronic acid functionalized hybrid monolithic column for boronate affinity chromatography of diol compounds in a microfluidic system. |
HYP6-P07-Tu |
Josephs |
Jonathan |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Evaluation of a microfluidic electrophoresis device coupled to an Orbitrap mass spectrometer for the characterization of biotherapeutics proteins |
HYP7-P02-Tu |
Matysik |
Silke |
University Hospital Regensburg |
Germany |
Quantification of steroid hormones in human serum by liquid chromatography-high resolution tandem mass spectrometry |
HYP7-P03-Tu |
Vosse |
Christian |
University of Muenster |
Germany |
Profiling of constitutional isomeric phospholipids by hydrophilic interaction LC-ESI-MS/MS |
HYP7-P04-Tu |
Lauridsen |
Lene |
DuPont Nutrition Biosciences ApS |
Denmark |
Challenges in the analysis of wheat flour phospholipids in dough by LCMS |
HYP7-P05-Tu |
Doell |
Annika |
AbbVie Germany |
Germany |
Development of a sensitive nano LC-MS approach for the in-vivo analysis of antibodies on peptide level |
HYP7-P06-Tu |
Syslová |
Kamila |
University of Chemistry and Technology |
Czech Republic |
LC-MS analysis of endogenous lipid mediators with anti-diabetic properties |
HYP8-P01-Tu |
Watabe |
Yoshiyuki |
Shimadzu Corporation |
Japan |
Supercritical fluid chromatography on chiral separation of enantiomeric drugs in human plasma with MS/MS detection |
HYP8-P02-Tu |
Wolrab |
Denise |
University of Vienna |
Austria |
Analysis of amino acids by direct coupling of supercritical fluid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry |
HYP8-P03-Tu |
Simeone |
Jennifer |
Waters Corporation |
Development and comparison of quantitative methods using orthogonal chromatographic techniques for the analysis of potential mutagenic impurities |
HYP8-P04-Tu |
Maheux |
Maxim |
TransBIOTech |
Canada |
Hyphenated techniques in lipidomics: comparison of UPLC vs UPC2 separations coupled to QTOF technology |
HYP8-P06-Tu |
Schug |
Kevin A. |
The University of Texas at Arlington |
Online SFE-SFC-MS for direct extraction and analysis of designer drugs in urine samples |
HYP9-P01-We |
Goryńska |
Paulina Zofia |
Collegium Medicum Nicolaus Copernicus University in Bydgoszcz |
Poland |
Solid phase microextraction for brain tumor metabolite analysis |
HYP9-P02-We |
Chocholoušková |
Michaela |
University Pardubice |
Czech Republic |
Analysis of eicosanoids in biological samples using the coupling of separation techniques and mass spectrometry |
HYP9-P04-We |
Yazawa |
Itaru |
Imtakt Corporation |
Japan |
LC-MS analysis columns for intact amino acids and neurotransmitters without derivatization |
HYP9-P05-We |
Kim |
Andrew HyoungJin |
Seoul National University |
Korea |
Distribution of exogenous and endogenous CYP3A markers and related factors in healthy males and females |
HYP10-P01-We |
Han |
Yehua |
State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing |
China |
Direct analysis and discrimination of thiophenic and sulfidic compounds in crude oils |
HYP10-P03-We |
Ciclet |
Olivier |
University of Geneva |
Switzerland |
Evaluation of a novel atmospheric pressure ionization source (UniSprayTM) for natural compounds analysis |
HYP10-P04-We |
Lara |
Francisco J. |
University of Granada |
Spain |
Direct analysis in real time combined with modified quick polar pesticides extraction method to determine highly polar pesticides in lettuce and celery. |
HYP10-P05-We |
Lee |
JungEun |
Kookmin University |
Korea |
Metabolomics-driven integrative network analysis of chemical-induced biotic stimulation in photosynthetic microalga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii |
HYP11-P01-We |
Kim |
Young Hwan |
Korea Basic Science Institute |
Korea |
Identification of possible biomarkers for breast tumor mice from phospholipids profiling determined by using MALDI Imaging and UPLC/MS |
HYP11-P02-We |
Strnad |
Štěpán |
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR |
Czech Republic |
Comparison of MALDI-MSI and LC-MS for pharmacokinetic study of metformin |
HYP11-P03-We |
Schejbal |
Jan |
Masaryk University, Faculty of Science |
Czech Republic |
β-secretase enzyme assay by MALDI TOF MS |
HYP12-P01-We |
Maziarz |
Margaret |
Waters Corporation |
Sensitive UPLC method with tandem mass detection for analysis of genotoxic impurities of imatinib mesylate drug |
HYP12-P02-We |
Cassel |
Stephanie |
Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III |
France |
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of polyglycerol esters mixtures used in cosmetic formulations |
HYP12-P04-We |
Lee |
Hui-Ling |
Fu Jen Catholic University |
Taiwan |
Simultaneous,fast and simple quantification of oxidative damage biomarker and cotinine in human urine by on-line SPE LC-MS/MS: correlation with tobacco exposure biomarkers NNAL |
HYP12-P05-We |
Yogendrarajah |
Pratheeba |
Johnson and Johnson |
Belgium |
Trace level analysis of eleven genotoxic impurities in a penultimate pharmaceutical intermediate using the emerging lc-ms technology, the Acquity® QDa® Mass Detector |
HYP12-P06-We |
Bartosińska |
Ewa |
Department of Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacodynamics, Medical University of Gdańs |
Poland |
Development and validation of HPLC-APCI-MS/MS method for quantitative determination of tocotrienols in human breast adipose tissue |
HYP12-P07-We |
Boiteux |
Helene |
Waters Corporation |
Transferring and improving a legacy HPLC-UV cleaning validation method by employing UHPLC and mass detection. |
HYP12-P08-We |
Bichl |
Gerlinde |
Biomin Holding |
Austria |
Detection and quantification of fumonisins and hydrolysed fumonisins in biological matrices with LC-MS/MS |
HYP12-P09-We |
Pavlík |
Jakub |
Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy |
Czech Republic |
Development and optimization of UHPLC-MS/MS method for analysis of selected antiviral compounds |
HYP12-P10-We |
Sanwald |
Corinna |
University of Tuebingen |
Germany |
HPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS based quantitative amino acid analysis and simultaneous metabolic profiling of stressed human corneal epithelial cells with data-independent SWATH acquisition |
HYP12-P11-We |
Hadzieva Gigvoska |
Maja |
Alkaloid AD Skopje |
Macedonia |
Experimental design approach used for optimisation of forced degradation study of atorvastatin by LC/MS characterisation of the degradation products |
HYP12-P12-We |
Zbornikova |
Eva |
Czech Academy of Sciences |
Czech Republic |
Easy and robust method for identification and quantification of nucleotide pool in bacterial cells. |
HYP12-P13-We |
Grüning |
Anja |
Shimadzu Europa GmbH |
Germany |
Fully automated derivatization -quantification of glyphosate and AMPA in beer using a standard UHPLC-MS/MS system |
HYP12-P14-We |
Hong |
Paula |
Waters Corporation |
Identification of prohibited skin lightening agents in cosmetic products using UHPLC with PDA and mass detection |
HYP12-P15-We |
Maksic |
Jelena |
Medical Military Academy |
Serbia |
Development of HILIC–ESI/MS–MS method for the quantification of olopatadine in human tears |
HYP12-P16-We |
Fernandes-Lopes |
Carlos |
Bial - Portela & Cª, S.A. |
Portugal |
Validation of an analytical method for the quantification of fatty acid amides in cerebrospinal fluid matrix by LC-MS/MS |
HYP12-P17-We |
Karmuse |
Pravin |
Novartis Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. |
India |
Evaluation of compact mass detector: A new dimension for chromatography |
HYP12-P18-We |
Kiyokawa |
Ena |
Fukuoka University |
Japan |
LC-MS/MS analysis of peptides in brain with fluorous derivatization |
HYP12-P19-We |
Corden |
Natalie |
United Kingdom |
The step by step guide to developing a robust assay for a new compound in bioanalysis using LC-MS/MS |
HYP12-P20-We |
Stajić |
Ana |
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade |
Serbia |
Higenamine determination in nutritional supplements by UPLC/MS/MS method |
HYP12-P21-We |
Hörth |
Patric |
Agilent Technologies |
Patric |
A faster and sensitive LC-MS/MS method for pharmacokinetic assessment of anti-epileptic drugs |
HYP12-P22-We |
Meding |
Stephan |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Germany |
Mass spectrometry for every chromatographer – A new single quadrupole mass spectrometer to overcome common detection challenges |
HYP12-P23-We |
Klinkenberg |
Réginald |
Galephar M/F |
Belgium |
LC-MS determination of non-ionic surfactant residues on pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment surfaces after cleaning procedure |
HYP12-P24-We |
Lin |
Erika |
Sciex |
Improved sensitivity for LC-MS quantitation of biologics in plasma using trap-and-elute microflow LC-MS |
HYP12-P25-We |
Lin |
Erika |
Sciex |
High throughput microflow LC-MS/MS for high sensitivity peptide quantitation in targeted assays |
HYP13-P01-Tu |
Kowalczyk |
Claudia |
PhD student |
Germany |
Investigation of an extraction and separation method for the analysis of mercury species in sediments |
HYP13-P02-Tu |
Oppermann |
Uwe |
Shimadzu Europa GmbH |
Germany |
Quantitative analysis of arsenic species in rice using LC-ICP-MS |
HYP14-P01-Tu |
Ma |
Qiang |
Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine |
China |
Broad screening of 100 regulated ingredients in cosmetics using UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap mass spectrometry combined with accurate mass database and spectral library search strategy |
HYP14-P02-Tu |
Dunkle |
Melissa |
Dow Benelux |
Netherlands |
High-throughput data processing of accurate mass LC-MS data for the characterization of low molecular weight polymers |
HYP14-P03-Tu |
Siegle |
Alexander |
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich |
Germany |
Modular implementation of Hadamard encoding in LC and facile transfer to various separation and detection modes |
HYP14-P04-Tu |
Kim |
Woojung |
Gyeonggido Business&Science Accelerator |
Korea |
LC-MS/MS based searchable short peptide spectrum library platform |
APP1-P01-Mo |
Slosse |
Amorn |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Belgium |
Chemical profiling of cannabis seizures by GC/MS: determination of the inter- and intra-seizure variability |
APP1-P02-Mo |
Gottardo |
Rossella |
University of Verona |
Italy |
UPLC-QqQ-MS analysis of gamma-HB and its isomers, alpha-HB and beta-HB, in serum: novel perspectives in the forensic GHB determination |
APP1-P03-Mo |
Hansson |
Annelie |
Uppsala University |
Sweden |
Using UHPLC-HR-MS to investigate the equine metabolites of the selective androgen receptor modulator LGD-4033 for doping control purposes |
APP1-P04-Mo |
Lee |
Ji Hyun |
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety |
Korea |
Development and validation of an liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous determination of hair growth compounds in dietary supplements |
APP1-P05-Mo |
Pavlačka |
Martin |
University of Pardubice |
Czech Republic |
Handheld portable device based on differential mobility spectrometry for forensic applications |
APP1-P06-Mo |
Sorio |
Daniela |
University of Verona |
Italy |
HPLC determination of transferrin glycoforms with fluorescent terbium adducts: the tool to detect CDT in post-mortem blood |
APP1-P07-Mo |
Theodoridis |
Georgios |
Aristotle University Thessaloniki |
Greece |
A UHPLC-MS/MS method for the detection of drugs and pharmaceuticals in human bones |
APP1-P08-Mo |
Schachel |
Tilo |
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster |
Germany |
Differentiation and identification of explosives formulations by means of HPLC-MS |
APP1-P09-Mo |
Dobos |
Adrienn |
Hungarian Institute for Forensic Sciences |
Hungary |
Introduction of a screening method for 273 drugs of abuse, new psychoactive substances and their metabolites in biological matrices on UHPLC-MS/MS |
APP1-P10-Mo |
Lacroix |
Marlene |
France |
Development and validation of a novel method for the analysis of bisphenol biomarkers in human by on-line SPE/LC/MS/MS. |
APP1-P11-Mo |
Togni |
Loraine |
Albert Einstein Hospital |
Brazil |
Microextraction by packed sorbent for post mortem whole blood sample preparation in forensic analyses of benzodiazepines |
APP1-P12-Mo |
Malheiro |
Daniel |
University of Copenhagen |
Denmark |
Optimization of nitrate ester explosives with UHPLC-ESI-MS by using design of experiments |
APP1-P13-Mo |
Hajkova |
Katerina |
UCT Prague |
Czech Republic |
The forensic study of the possible tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) intake from cosmetic products containing Cannabis sativa |
APP1-P14-Mo |
Lemr |
Karel |
Palacky University |
Czech Republic |
Surface influence on desorption nanoelectrospray ionization |
APP2-P02-Mo |
van Ling |
Robert |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Netherlands |
Development of an all-recombinant intact protein standard for LC MS application development and system suitability testing |
APP2-P03-Mo |
Mikšík |
Ivan |
Institute of Physiology CAS |
Czech Republic |
Proteomic and pigment analysis of Siamese crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) eggshell |
APP2-P04-Mo |
Lewandowska |
Aleksandra |
University of Gdańsk |
Poland |
High pH RP-HPLC as an orthogonal fractionation method in LC-MS/MS analysis of human follicular fluid protein and peptide composition |
APP2-P05-Mo |
Thiel |
Marcel |
University of Gdańsk |
Poland |
Interaction between peptides and pyrophosphate molecules investigated by the use of HPLC, MS and LC/MS techniques |
APP2-P06-Mo |
Ledvina |
Vojtěch |
Institue of Analytical Chemistry of the CAS, v. v. i. |
Czech Republic |
Single-cell analysis of caspase-3/7 activation in developing murine cells |
APP2-P07-Mo |
Kanno |
Ken |
GL Sciences Inc. |
Japan |
High performance monolithic silica columns for capillary HPLC |
APP2-P08-Mo |
Pavlová |
Tereza |
Masaryk University, Faculty of Science |
Czech Republic |
Association between adipophilin levels and lipid content in human breast milk investigated using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry |
APP2-P09-Mo |
Jung |
Moon Chul |
Waters Corporation |
Considerations for selecting the optimal stationary phases for proteomic trap-elute nanochromatography |
APP2-P10-Mo |
Ondrej |
Martin |
University of Defence in Brno, Faculty of Military Health Sciences in Hradec Králové |
Czech Republic |
Phosphoproteomic study of radiosensitization mechanisms of autophagy inhibitor Lys05 on non-small cell lung cancer cells |
APP2-P11-Mo |
Kupcik |
Rudolf |
University of Pardubice |
Czech Republic |
An improved detection of multiphosphorylated peptides using novel magnetic TiO2 based nanomaterial |
APP2-P12-Mo |
Fischer |
Gavin |
Sciex |
Robust and sensitive workflow for qualitative and quantitative analysis of intact monoclonal antibodies using a MicroLC and TripleTOF Mass Spectrometry |
APP2-P14-Mo |
Bauder |
Rainer |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Deep and reproducible human proteome profiling with novel nano flow LC technology and HRAM mass-spectrometry |
APP2-P15-Mo |
Meding |
Stephan |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Germany |
Improved sensitivity and robustness with capillary flow LC-MS targeted protein quantification |
APP3-P01-Mo |
Pereira |
Jorge |
CQM - Centro de Química da Madeira, Universidade da Madeira |
Portugal |
The efficiency of different microextraction approaches in the quantification of bioactive metabolites in food. The case study of coffee. |
APP3-P02-Mo |
Lee |
Jeongmi |
Sungkyunkwan University |
Korea |
Deep eutectic solvents as multipurpose media for bioactive natural products |
APP3-P03-Mo |
Boyaci |
Ezel |
University of Waterloo |
Canada |
Development of a high throughput SPME-HPLC-MS/MS in-vitro assay for monitoring time course changes in kinetics and dynamics of cell line systems |
APP3-P04-Mo |
Ullrich |
Stefan |
Agilent Technologies |
Germany |
Automated LC/MS purification of compound libraries |
APP3-P05-Mo |
Miggiels |
Paul |
Leiden University |
Netherlands |
Sample preconcentration using vision-controlled droplet evaporation for high-throughput LC-MS-based metabolomics |
APP3-P06-Mo |
Ferrone |
Vincenzo |
University "G.d'Annunzio" |
Italy |
UHPLC-PDA determination of five antibiotics in human plasma using air assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction with solidification of the floating organic droplets |
APP3-P07-Mo |
Krcmova |
Lenka |
Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy |
Czech Republic |
Modern trends in sample preparation techniques in clinical research |
APP3-P08-Mo |
Seebunrueng |
Ketsarin |
Khon Kaen University |
Thailand |
A new vortex-assisted supramolecular solvent liquid-liquid microextraction followed by high performance liquid chromatography for trace analysis of phenols in water samples |
APP3-P09-Mo |
Klabačková |
Sáva |
Charles University |
Czech Republic |
Application of miniaturized extraction techniques for analysis of tocopherols in clinical practice - first results |
APP3-P10-Mo |
Parmová |
Martina |
Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |
Czech Republic |
Polyamide nanofibers as the sorbents for on-line SPE-HPLC determination of Bisphenol A in river water samples |
APP3-P11-Mo |
Pilařová |
Veronika |
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University |
Czech Republic |
Conventional and modern extraction approaches to the determination of quercetin ant its metabolites in rat plasma |
APP3-P12-Mo |
Vlčková |
Hana |
Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |
Czech Republic |
Micro-SPE in pipette tips as the tool for analysis of drugs in serum |
APP3-P13-Mo |
Guerra |
Eugenia |
University of Santiago de Compostela |
Spain |
Simulteaneous determination of 19 synthetic water-soluble dyes in products intended for children by matrix solid-phase dispersion and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry |
APP3-P14-Mo |
Plachká |
Kateřina |
Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy |
Czech Republic |
Determination of lovastatin using UHPLC-MS/MS method and automated SPE procedure with laboratory-made molecularly imprinted polymer sorbent |
APP3-P15-Mo |
Monks |
Kathryn |
KNAUER Wissenschaftliche Geräte GmbH |
Germany |
GPC cleanup of olive oil samples |
APP3-P16-Mo |
Lhotská |
Ivona |
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University |
Czech Republic |
On-line molecularly imprinted solid phase extraction coupled to chromatographic separation for determination of mycoxotin zearalenone in beer samples |
APP3-P17-Mo |
Cai |
Meiqiang |
Zhejiang Gongshang University |
China |
Magnetic solid-phase extraction based amino-modified metal-organic frameworks coupled with LC–MS/MS for the determination of chlorophenols from environmental water samples |
APP3-P18-Mo |
Locatelli |
Marcello |
University "G. D'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara |
Italy |
FPSE-HPLC-PDA method for the determination of twelve azole antimicrobial drug residues in human plasma and urine |
APP3-P19-Mo |
Hroboňová |
Katarína |
Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava |
Slovakia |
Selective extraction of coumarins by using molecularly imprinted polymers. Preparation, characterization and application of sorbents. |
APP3-P20-Mo |
Kamuf |
Matthias |
Agilent Technologies |
Germany |
Influence of glass vial type upon trace level recovery rates of basic analytes by LC/MS/MS |
APP3-P21-Mo |
Sakaguchi |
Yohei |
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) |
Japan |
Development of a carboxyl group derivatization LC method for monitoring the deamidation of protein |
APP3-P22-Mo |
Fikarová |
Kateřina |
Univerzita Karlova, Farmaceutická fakulta Hradec Králové |
Czech Republic |
On-line coupling of in-syringe automated dispersive liquid-liquid extraction/back-extraction to ICP-AES for elemental analysis |
APP3-P23-Mo |
Horvai |
George |
Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
Hungary |
The selectivity of solid phase extraction (SPE) with molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) |
APP3-P24-Mo |
Schemeth |
Dieter |
University of Copenhagen |
Denmark |
Comparison of novel and commercially available solid-phase extraction materials for the isolation of acidic crude oil metabolites |
APP3-P25-Mo |
Goh |
Shalene |
National University of Singapore |
Singapore |
Automated bundled hollow fiber-array-mediated liquid-phase microextraction of perfluorinated compounds |
APP3-P26-Mo |
Ide |
Alessandra |
Universidade de Lisboa |
Portugal |
New improvements in bar adsorptive microextraction devices for the analysis of emerging compounds in real matrices |
APP3-P27-Mo |
Novotný |
Jakub |
University of Pardubice - Faculty of Chemical Technology |
Czech Republic |
Pneumatic valves for micro-milled microfluidic devices |
APP3-P28-Mo |
Šatínský |
Dalibor |
Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy |
Czech Republic |
Micro-extraction by packed sorbent coupled on-line to column-switching chromatography system – a case study on determination of three beta-blockers in human urine |
APP3-P29-Mo |
Chocholouš |
Petr |
Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy |
Czech Republic |
Flow analysis methods for sample pre-treatment and separation |
APP3-P30-Mo |
Datinska |
Vladimira |
Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the CAS, v. v. i. |
Czech Republic |
Concentration of nucleic acids by coupled column capillary isotachophoresis application to circulating cell-free dna extraction from liquid biopsy samples |
APP3-P31-Mo |
Bensen |
Henriette Kornmaaler |
University of Copenhagen |
Denmark |
Automated and objective analytical scale group-type separation of saturates, aromatics and resins from crude oil |
APP3-P32-Mo |
García Cicourel |
Alan Rodrigo |
University of Amsterdam |
Netherlands |
Quantification and characterization of mineral oils in consumer products using comprehensive normal-phase liquid chromatography-gas chromatography |
APP3-P33-Mo |
Taylor |
Lester |
Agilent |
A unified open access workflow from analysis to purification (A-->P) for medicinal chemists |
APP3-P34-Mo |
Hruska |
Vlastimil |
Agilent Technologies Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG |
Germany |
Simplified and reliable up-scaling for automated high-throughput purification workflows |
APP3-P35-Mo |
Vargas Medina |
Deyber Arley |
Universidade de São Paulo |
Brazil |
Automated liquid-phase microextraction using a labmade Arduino-based cartesian robot |
APP3-P36-Mo |
Gagliardi |
Leonardo G. |
Universidad Nacional de La Plata y CONICET |
Argentina |
Microwave assisted derivatization and quantification of glyphosate, glufosinate, and aminomethylphosphonic acid by GC-MS |
APP4-P01-Mo |
Vorslova |
Svetlana |
University of Latvia |
Latvia |
Practical application of solvatic sorption model for method development of phenylisothiocyanate derivatives of amino acids in human biological materials |
APP4-P02-Mo |
Bojko |
Barbara |
Faculty of Pharmacy, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland |
Poland |
SPME-LC-MS: The new potential for in situ and in vivo brain tumor studies |
APP4-P03-Mo |
Johnson |
Amy |
Keele University |
United Kingdom |
The use of HPLC-MS in the metabonomic analysis of chicken eggs over time |
APP4-P04-Mo |
Sidwick |
Kate |
Keele University |
United Kingdom |
The effect of freezing duration and number of freeze-thaw cycles on the metabolic profile of meat |
APP4-P05-Mo |
Witting |
Michael |
Helmholtz Zentrum München |
Germany |
Retention time indexing in RP-LC-MS based metabolomics for enhancing metabolite identification. A cross-lab trial |
APP4-P06-Mo |
Jaroch |
Karol |
Nicolaus Copernicus in Torun, Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz |
Poland |
The use of solid phase microextraction (SPME) for metabolomic analysis of cell culture after administration of combretastatin A4 phosphate |
APP4-P07-Mo |
Romoaldo |
Gilson |
UMONS - faculty of Medecine and Pharmacy |
Belgium |
Assessing emotional states: Metabonomic profiling and quantification of a salivary biomarker |
APP4-P08-Mo |
Berger |
Raffaela |
University of Regensburg |
Germany |
D-2 hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase assay reveals regulation of D-2-hydroxyglutarate degradation |
APP4-P09-Mo |
Fridström |
Anders |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Switzerland |
Retention time indexing as an approach to standardize reporting of retention data in metabolomics |
APP4-P10-Mo |
Celá |
Andrea |
Masaryk University |
Czech Republic |
Analysis of amino acids in human plasma of patients with schizophrenia by means of CE-LIF method |
APP4-P11-Mo |
Hennig |
Kristin |
France |
Development of an analytical workflow for the characterization of the microbiota metabolome, using a combination of NMR and MS, through targeted and untargeted approaches |
APP4-P12-Mo |
Boháč |
Michal |
Bruker s.r.o. |
Czech Republic |
Enabling high-confidence human endogenous metabolite identification via high-resolution MS/MS retention-time library |
APP4-P13-Mo |
Kim |
Da Jung |
Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Seoul National University |
Korea |
Targeted and untargeted metabolomic analysis in healthy subjects upon ursodeoxycholic acid exposure |
APP4-P14-Mo |
Kim |
Bora |
Seoul national university |
Korea |
ω- and ω-1 hydroxylation of medium chain fatty acid by CYP3A : Characterization of a potential novel urinary biomarker of CYP3A activity |
APP4-P15-Mo |
Vondroušová |
Jana |
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague |
Czech Republic |
Separation of antioxidants from biological matrices by molecularly imprinted polymer for HPLC-MS analysis |
APP4-P16-Mo |
Skrutková Langmajerová |
Monika |
Masaryk University |
Czech Republic |
Analysis of amino acids profile by capillary electrophoresis with mass spectrometry |
APP4-P17-Mo |
Park |
Soojin |
Kookmin university |
Korea |
Metabolic regulation in response to activated Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway |
APP4-P18-Mo |
Ji |
Dong Yoon |
kookmin university |
Korea |
Metabolic approach of autoimmune disease such as graves’ disease for plasma biofluid biomarker by using GC-MS and LC-MS/MS system. |
APP4-P19-Mo |
Pirttilä |
Kristian |
Uppsala University |
Sweden |
A simple and robust UPLC-Q-TOF-based untargeted protocol for metabolic fingerprinting of polar metabolites in perilymph using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography |
APP4-P20-Mo |
Haglöf |
Jakob |
Uppsala University |
Sweden |
The perilymph metabolome, determined by UHPLC-HRMS |
APP4-P21-Mo |
Engskog |
Mikael |
Uppsala University |
Sweden |
Are your metabolomics methods producing data of high analytical quality? |
APP4-P22-Mo |
Knudsen |
Sofie Bruun |
Novozymes/University of Copenhagen |
Denmark |
Non-target chemical analysis of industrial processes - A way to understand and monitor end-product quality in an enzyme recovery process |
APP4-P23-Mo |
Cechova |
Eliska |
Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment |
Czech Republic |
Orbital ion-trap mass spectrometry-based analysis of microbial metabolites in amniotic fluid |
APP4-P24-Mo |
Desfontaine |
Vincent |
University of Geneva |
Switzerland |
Applicability of SFC-MS to metabolomics: Which kind of analytes can be successfully analyzed? |
APP4-P25-Mo |
Svatos |
Ales |
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology |
Germany |
Mass-spectrometric-imaging of living cells: Challenges, solutions, and perspective |
APP5-P01-Tu |
Layton |
Catharine |
Waters Corp |
The use of orthogonal methods to monitor the major degradation products of cannabidiol (CBD). |
APP5-P02-Tu |
Padro |
Juan |
National University of La Plata |
Argentina |
Chiral separation of aryloxyphenoxy-propionate herbicides in a permethyl-β-cyclodextrin based column. Influence of temperature and mobile phase composition on selectivity |
APP5-P03-Tu |
Jakubec |
Pavel |
Faculty of pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Charles University |
Czech Republic |
SFC in chiral separations: Evaluation of equivalency of polysaccharide enantioselective stationary phases |
APP5-P04-Tu |
Vojtylova |
Terezia |
Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences |
Czech Republic |
Enantioseparation of liquid-crystalline materials by chiral HPLC: Development of the method for various types of functional materials. |
APP5-P05-Tu |
Mazzoccanti |
Giulia |
"Sapienza" università di roma |
Italy |
Natural cannabinoids analysis by a chemo-enantioselective separation method in eUHPSFC-MS using the new UHPC-Whelk-O1 sub 2 µm CSP |
APP5-P06-Tu |
Lynen |
Frederic |
Ghent University |
Belgium |
Chiral stationary phase optimized selectivity supercritical fluid chromatography (SOS-SFC): A novel approach for optimizing the separation of enantiomers |
APP5-P07-Tu |
de la Puente |
Maria Luz |
Eli Lilly and Company |
Spain |
Open access chiral chromatography: isomers-a-la-carte |
APP5-P08-Tu |
Hardenklo |
Patrick |
NU-sjukvarden |
Sweden |
Chiral separation of amphetamine using UPLC-MS/MS in a clinical laboratory |
APP5-P09-Tu |
Knaggs |
Andrew |
GlaxoSmithKline R&D |
United Kingdom |
Development and usage of a comprehensive parallel chiral HPLC stationary phase screen in polar organic solvents for drug discovery chemistry |
APP5-P10-Tu |
Ilisz |
István |
University of Szeged |
Hungary |
HPLC enantioseparation of carbocyclic β-amino acids possessing limonene skeleton on macrocyclic glycopeptide-based chiral stationary phases |
APP5-P11-Tu |
Péter |
Antal |
University of Szeged |
Hungary |
Application of Cinchona alkaloid-based chiral stationary phases for the enantioseparation of limonene-based β-amino acids |
APP5-P12-Tu |
Orosz |
Tímea |
University of Szeged |
Hungary |
Effects of N-substitution on the elution order of cyclic ß3-amino acid enantiomers on Cinchona alkaloid-based zwitterionic and anion exchanger-type chiral stationary phases |
APP5-P13-Tu |
Bacskay |
Ivett |
Hungary |
An overloading study on zwitterionic chiral stationary phases |
APP5-P14-Tu |
Carrão |
Daniel |
Universidade de São Paulo |
Brazil |
Evaluation of chiral stationary phases for the separation of the pesticide fipronil and its main metabolites by HPLC-UV |
APP5-P15-Tu |
Szemán |
Julianna |
CycloLab Ltd. |
Hungary |
HPLC analysis of folate appended cyclodextrins |
APP5-P16-Tu |
Trausinger |
Gert |
JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH |
Austria |
Quantitative determination of chiral amino acid species in therapeutic peptides |
APP5-P17-Tu |
Kohout |
Michal |
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague |
Czech Republic |
Enantioseparation of cathinones and their metabolites on chiral zwitterion ion-exchange stationary phase using gradient SFC-MS |
APP5-P18-Tu |
Lee |
Sul |
Korea |
Enantiomeric separations of chiral amino acids with carboxylated crown ethers by CE-MS |
APP5-P19-Tu |
Koval |
Dusan |
UOCHB AVČR v.v.i. |
Czech Republic |
Enantiorecognition properties of helical dications |
APP5-P20-Tu |
Long |
William |
Agilent Technologies |
Screening chiral compounds using superficially porous based chiral columns and the agilent method development solution |
APP5-P21-Tu |
Perez de Albuquerque |
Nayara Cristina |
Universidade de São Paulo |
Brazil |
Evaluation of chiral stationary phases for the resolution of the fungicide tebuconazole and its main metabolite tebuconazole-1-hydroxy by HPLC-DAD |
APP5-P22-Tu |
Hegade |
Ravindra |
Ghent University, Belgium |
Belgium |
Chiral stationary-phase optimized selectivity liquid chromatography: A novel approach for the separation of mixtures of enantiomers. |
APP5-P23-Tu |
Carrão |
Daniel |
Universidade de São Paulo |
Brazil |
Validation of an enantioselective LC-MS/MS method in polar organic mode for the analysis of the pesticide myclobutanil in human liver microsomes |
APP5-P24-Tu |
Perez de Albuquerque |
Nayara Cristina |
Universidade de São Paulo |
Brazil |
In vitro enantioselective inhibition of human cytochrome P450 enzymes by the pesticide fenamiphos |
APP6-P01-Tu |
Sensen |
Shen |
Peking University |
China |
Plasma lipidomics reveals perturbed lipid metabolism and identifies potential lipid biomarkers of human colorectal cancer |
APP6-P02-Tu |
Jeck |
Viola |
University of Münster |
Germany |
Localization of lipids’ double bond position by means of post column Paternὸ Büchi derivatization and tandem mass spectrometry |
APP6-P03-Tu |
Chen |
Chao-Yu |
Fu Jen Catholic University |
Taiwan |
Targeted lipidomics profiling of acute arsenic exposure in mice serum by on-line solid-phase extraction stable-isotope dilution liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry |
APP6-P04-Tu |
Gil |
Andres |
University of Groningen |
Netherlands |
Comparison of one-phase vs two-phase extractions for untargeted lipidomics |
APP6-P05-Tu |
Jirásko |
Robert |
University of Pardubice |
Czech Republic |
MALDI Orbitrap mass spectrometry profiling of dysregulated sulfatides in kidney tissue and plasma samples of patients with renal cell carcinoma |
APP6-P06-Tu |
Kosek |
Vit |
UCT Prague |
Czech Republic |
Fingerprinting of plasma lipids by two „alternative“ methods, SFC-HRMS and UHPLC-HRMS |
APP6-P07-Tu |
Kofroňová |
Edita |
Czech Republic |
Do commercial bumblebees represent a threat for local subspecies? |
APP6-P08-Tu |
Kim |
Tae-Young |
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology |
Korea |
Relative quantification of lipids by using metabolic heavy water labeling |
APP6-P09-Tu |
Wilson |
Ian D. |
Imperial College |
United Kingdom |
Lipidomic investigation of Fenclozic acid and Sitaxentan treated PXB-mice using a new scanning quadrupole UPLC-QTof MS acquisition mode. |
APP7-P01-Tu |
Kuban |
Anil |
Hacettepe University |
Turkey |
Monodisperse-porous titania microspheres with biomodal pore-size distribution as a new stationary phase for DNA microextraction |
APP7-P02-Tu |
Paull |
Brett |
University of Tasmania |
Australia |
Fabrication of biomolecule containing multi-channel photonic crystal fibres, and their application to bio-affinity and bio-catalytic reactions |
APP7-P03-Tu |
Ikeda |
Koji |
Keio University |
Japan |
Development of purification method for proteins utilizing temperature-responsive affinity chromatography |
APP7-P04-Tu |
Nevídalová |
Hana |
Masaryk university |
Czech Republic |
The influence of several drugs on displacement of l tryptophan and lidocaine from binding sites on albumin |
APP7-P05-Tu |
Neaga |
Ioan |
University of Mons |
Belgium |
Affinity capillary electrophoresis as fast screening method for the identification of potentially active compounds for DM1 treatment |
APP7-P06-Tu |
Michalcová |
Lenka |
Faculty of Science, Masaryk University |
Czech Republic |
Insight into drug-protein interactions with using different techniques |
APP7-P07-Tu |
Colyer |
Christa |
Wake Forest University |
Aptamer selection by capillary electrophoresis and next generation sequencing for therapeutic target protein vitronectin. |
APP8-P01-Tu |
Semyonov |
Alexander |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Glycoprotein monosaccharide analysis using HPAE-PAD for biopharmaceutical quality control |
APP8-P02-Tu |
Wen |
Ma |
Peking University |
China |
Cysteine-functionalized metal-organic framework: facile synthesis and high efficient enrichment of N-linked glycopeptides in cell lysate biosample |
APP8-P05-Tu |
Krenkova |
Jana |
Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the CAS, v. v. i. |
Czech Republic |
Cationic charge labeling for CE-MS analysis of oligosaccharides |
APP8-P06-Tu |
Kunnummal |
Baburaj |
ThermoFisher Scientific |
N-Glycan analysis by orthogonal methods: UHPLC and multi-capillary CE |
APP8-P07-Tu |
Lauber |
Matthew |
Waters Corporation |
Sensitive Detection of Sialylated N-Glycans using Optimized HILIC LC-MS Separations |
APP8-P08-Tu |
Brousmiche |
Darryl |
Waters Corporation |
Fluorescent and MS-Active labeling reagent for the analysis of n-glycans |
APP8-P09-Tu |
Váradi |
Csaba |
National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training |
Ireland |
Analysis of Cetuximab glycosylation using multiple fractionation methods and CE-MS profiling |
APP8-P10-Tu |
Eckard |
Anahita |
ThermoFisherScientific |
A simple method to achieve rapid and complete deglycosylation of glycoproteins with complex glycans |
APP9-P01-We |
Sallay |
Imre |
Osaka Soda, LTD. |
Japan |
Novel application of standard chromatographic tests of stationary phase characterization in industrial scale HPLC processes |
APP9-P02-We |
Malek |
Amir |
Genentech |
Development and validation of platform chromatography methods for biologics |
APP9-P03-We |
Yogendrarajah |
Pratheeba |
Johnson and Johnson |
Belgium |
Development of QC-friendly 2D-LC methods in pharmaceutical laboratories |
APP9-P04-We |
Koshel |
Brooke |
Waters Corporation |
Tracking and reporting synthetic peptide impurities with a cost-effective single quadrupole mass detector for improved confidence in analysis |
APP9-P05-We |
Chen |
Dong-ying |
Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, CAS |
China |
investigation of influencing factors for trace level of methyl p-toluenesulfonate control in pharmaceutical with gas chromatography coupled with mass chromatography detection |
APP9-P06-We |
Salbert |
Tim |
ACD/Labs Germany GmbH |
Germany |
An informatics based approach to developing a stability indicating method |
APP9-P07-We |
Chira |
Ruxandra |
“Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy |
Romania |
Recent advances on the oxidative biotransformation of several beta-blockers |
APP9-P09-We |
Gorbatiuk |
Oksana |
Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of NASU |
Ukraine |
Efficient method for the obtaining of Recombinant Human Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) in Escherichia coli |
APP9-P10-We |
Grooten |
Yasmine |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) |
Belgium |
Development of a supercritical fluid chromatographic system to predict the skin permeability of pharmaceutical compounds |
APP9-P11-We |
Sandbaumhüter |
Friederike |
University of Bern |
Switzerland |
Enantioselective separation and analysis of six ketamine metabolites using capillary electrophoresis with sulfated β-cyclodextrin and highly sulfated γ-cyclodextrin |
APP9-P12-We |
Zemenová |
Jana |
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR |
Czech Republic |
Novel approach to determine lipidated analogs of prolactin-releasing peptide via LC-MS using monolithic column |
APP9-P13-We |
Ollikainen |
Elisa |
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki |
Finland |
Analysis of morphine in mouse plasma by microchip electrophoresis-electrochemical detection |
APP9-P14-We |
Liu |
Xiaodong |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Separation of impurities from a fully phosphothioated and 2’-O-methylated RNA using ion-pair reversed-phase chromatography |
APP9-P15-We |
Birznieks |
Ilze |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Separation and characterization of NIST monoclonal antibody standard using a suite of chromatographic methods |
APP9-P16-We |
Jayaraman |
Priya |
Waters Corporation |
Advanced topics in peptide mapping: Developing reproducible high resolution separations |
APP9-P17-We |
Koza |
Stephan |
Waters Corp. |
Successfully developing and using ultra-high performance size-exclusion chromatography (UHP-SEC) methods for the analysis of biotherapeutic proteins |
APP9-P18-We |
Hong |
Paula |
Waters Corporation |
Fraction collection for isolating impurities in forced degradation studies |
APP9-P19-We |
Wang |
Qinggang |
Bristol-Myers Squibb |
Quantitative impurity analysis of pharmaceutical compounds by heart-cutting two-dimensional liquid chromatography |
APP9-P20-We |
Iaroshenko |
Dmitrii |
CSU "Analytical Spectrometry" |
Russian Federation |
LC-MS/MS method for simultaneous determination of fingolimod (FTY720) and fingolimod phosphate (FTY720-P) in human blood |
APP9-P21-We |
Nikitina |
Aleksandra |
CSU "Analytical Spectrometry" |
Russian Federation |
The methods for determination of drug combinations in human plasma by LC-MS/MS |
APP9-P22-We |
Zhao |
Shishan |
Charles River Laboratories |
Canada |
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of pharmaceutical oligonucleotides in non-clinical toxicology research |
APP9-P23-We |
Jung |
Stephanie |
Agilent Technologies |
Germany |
High-resolution sampling 2D-LC for pharmaceutical impurity analysis - detection of impurities hidden under the API peak at relevant levels |
APP9-P24-We |
Demelenne |
Alice |
ULg |
Belgium |
Quality control of insulin formulations: API, protamine and aggregates follow-up |
APP9-P25-We |
Madr |
Ales |
Masaryk University |
Czech Republic |
Application of CE-C4D for beta-secretase activity assay |
APP9-P26-We |
De Pra |
Mauro |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Germany |
Quantitation of APIs and impurities in multi-component drugs by ternary gradient reversed phase chromatography with charged aerosol detection |
APP9-P27-We |
Martins |
Julia |
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirao Preto |
Brazil |
In vitro inhibition of cytochrome P450 isoforms by yangambin and its isomer, epi-yangambin, a natural product with anti-leishmanial activity |
APP9-P28-We |
He |
Bin |
Chinese Academy of Sciences |
China |
Characterization of mercury-binding proteins in human neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cells with immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography |
APP10-P01-We |
Brunelli |
Claudio |
Pfizer inc. |
United Kingdom |
In-silico development of a chromatographic method for the analysis of stability samples of a highly potent oncology candidate |
APP10-P02-We |
Oliver |
Michael |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
United Kingdom |
High precision, automated peptide mapping of proteins by LC-MS and LC-UV |
APP10-P03-We |
Sauve |
Simon |
Health Canada |
Canada |
Separation and quantitative assessment of immunologically active hemagglutinin content in trivalent and quadrivalent influenza vaccines |
APP10-P04-We |
Schejbal |
Jan |
Masaryk University, Faculty of Science |
Czech Republic |
Capillary electrophoresis-integrated immobilized enzyme reactor for screening of β-secretase inhibitors – potential anti-Alzheimer’s disease drugs |
APP10-P05-We |
Prikryl |
Jan |
Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the CAS, v. v. i. |
Czech Republic |
Development of thiol-ene-based enzymatic microreactor array for drug metabolism study |
APP10-P06-We |
Fridström |
Anders |
Merck |
Switzerland |
Unique coupling of size exclusion chromatography to mass spectrometry for the analysis of proteins and antibodies using a novel mobile phase composition |
APP10-P07-We |
Piskáčková |
Hana |
Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University |
Czech Republic |
Bioanalytical evaluation of new analogues of cardioprotective drug – dexrazoxane |
APP10-P08-We |
Verrax |
Julien |
Belgium |
Application of liquid chromatography to the post-marketing quality surveillance of medicines and health products dispensed by Belgian Pharmacists. |
APP10-P09-We |
Roudaut |
Brigitte |
France |
LC-MS/MS methods for the screening of antibiotic residues in meat: A collaborative study using spiked muscle materials |
APP10-P11-We |
Reimerova |
Petra |
Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University |
Czech Republic |
In vitro bioactivation study of a pro-drug sobuzoxane in plasma and cardiac cells |
APP10-P12-We |
Svoboda |
Jan |
UCT Prague |
Czech Republic |
HPLC-MS characterization of transition metal complexes as potential antiproliferative drugs |
APP10-P13-We |
Gwiazdon |
Malgorzata |
University of Warsaw |
Poland |
Application of LC-MS/MS to in vitro profiling of microbial-derived metabolites of chlorogenic, caffeic and ferulic acids |
APP10-P14-We |
De Pra |
Mauro |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Germany |
HILIC separation of mAb glycopeptides with UV, fluorescence and MS detection |
APP10-P15-We |
Schwahn |
Alexander |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Switzerland |
Separation of bispecific mAbs using Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) |
APP10-P16-We |
Logoyda |
Liliya |
I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University |
Ukraine |
Method development and validation study for quantitative determination of captopril in pharmaceuticals by UHPLC |
APP10-P17-We |
Bergmann |
Anna |
YMC Europe GmbH |
Germany |
Improvement in resolution and throughput on SEC analysis of monoclonal antibodies by using the new YMC-Pack Diol UHPLC column |
APP10-P18-We |
McKeown |
Alan |
Advanced Chromatography Technologies Ltd |
United Kingdom |
An interactive spreadsheet-based approach to simplify method transfer between different vendor UHPLC / HPLC instruments |
APP10-P19-We |
Belhassan |
Laure |
Belgium |
Development of fast stability indicating HPLC method for the determination of febuxostat and its impurities |
APP10-P20-We |
Lloyd |
Linda |
Agilent Technologies |
United Kingdom |
Automated amino acid analysis for biopharma applications using advancebio AAA superficially porous high pH stable reversed-phase columns. |
APP10-P21-We |
Thorn |
Jim |
United Kingdom |
Charge heterogeneity analysis of intact monoclonal antibodies using CESI-MS |
APP10-P22-We |
Skrutková Langmajerová |
Monika |
Masaryk University |
Czech Republic |
Acitivity of skin fibroblast elestase was online monitored by capillary electrophoresis |
APP10-P23-We |
Cimpan |
Gabriela |
United Kingdom |
A new method for analyzing MSe/All ions fragmentation in xenobiotic metabolism studies |
APP10-P24-We |
Moore |
Rowan |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
United Kingdom |
Lifetime stability of size exclusion chromatography columns for protein aggregate analysis |
APP10-P25-We |
Glatz |
Zdenek |
Masaryk University Faculty of Science |
Czech Republic |
An improved design to capture magnetic microparticles with immobilized flavin monooxygenase enzyme for in-line CE in a liquid based capillary coolant system |
APP11-P01-We |
Monago Maraña |
Olga |
University of Extremadura |
Spain |
Optimization of a solid phase extraction procedure of capsaicinoids from paprika by hplc with fluorimetric detection |
APP11-P02-We |
Favre |
Guzmán |
Facultad de Agronomía Universidad de la República (UDELAR) Uruguay |
Uruguay |
Study of the glycosidic bond homolytic cleavage under a HPLC-ESI-MSD system, as a tool for the identification of new acylated flavonol glucosides in grapes and wines |
APP11-P03-We |
Chen |
Yi-Chen |
Natioanl Taiwan University |
Taiwan |
Determination of amino acid and carnosine/anserine contents of functional egg chalaza hydrolysate and its hepatoprotection against liver fibrosis |
APP11-P04-We |
Yang |
Deng-Jye |
China Medical University |
Taiwan |
Determination of phenolic composition of Muntingia calabura Linn. Fruit and its anti-inflammatory effect |
APP11-P05-We |
Tseng |
Jung-Kai |
Asia University |
Taiwan |
Lychee flower extract prevents selenite-induced cataract formation |
APP11-P06-We |
Silva |
Pedro |
Madeira University |
Portugal |
An useful strategy based on MEPS/UHPLC combined with Quality-by-Design approach for Foodomics applications. The case study of furanic derivatives in sugarcane honey |
APP11-P07-We |
Schmidt |
Anatol |
BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna |
Austria |
Determination of vitamin B12 using preparative immune-affinity chromatography and UHPLC. |
APP11-P08-We |
Fibigr |
Jakub |
Charles University, Faculty Of Pharmacy |
Czech Republic |
Rapid UHPLC determination of anthocyanins in acai berry and dry blueberry extracts |
APP11-P09-We |
Fu |
Yanqing |
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
China |
Nontargeted screening method for illegal additives based on ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry |
APP11-P10-We |
Von Baer |
Dietrich |
Universidad de Concepcion |
Chile |
Quantitative determination of stilbenoids and proanthocyanidins on a C18-Core shell column in series with DAD and fluorescence detection and LC-MS/MS identification |
APP11-P11-We |
Von Baer |
Dietrich |
Universidad de Concepcion |
Chile |
Centrifugal partition chromatographic and semi-prep isolation of oligostilbenoids from grape cane extracts and characterization by LC-MS/MS, LC-Q-TOF and NMR |
APP11-P12-We |
Carlucci |
Giuseppe |
University "G.d'Annunzio" |
Italy |
UHPLC-PDA analysis of oxyprenylated phenylpropanoids in olive, soy, peanuts, corn and sunflower oil using deep eutectic solvent dispersive liquid-liquid micro-extraction technique |
APP11-P13-We |
Schlicke |
Hagen |
KNAUER Wissenschaftliche Geräte GmbH |
Germany |
Routine analysis of ingredients in wine. |
APP11-P14-We |
Neubauer |
Stefan |
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen |
Germany |
Comprehensive profiling of amino acid degradation products by LC-HR-MS/MS |
APP11-P15-We |
Klikarová |
Jitka |
University of Pardubice |
Czech Republic |
HPLC separation of derivatized amino acids in mead |
APP11-P16-We |
Schmidt |
Christian |
Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH |
Germany |
A novel, highly robust LC-IRMS solution for high-throughput determination of honey adulteration |
APP11-P17-We |
Franc |
Martin |
Watrex Praha, s.r.o. |
Czech Republic |
Beer fingerprinting and identification by principal component analysis (PCA) of HPLC data for mono- and oligo- saccharide profiles |
APP11-P18-We |
Garcia-Campana |
Ana M. |
Facultad De Ciencias |
Spain |
Molecularly imprinted polymer solid phase extraction coupled with HILIC UHPLC-MS/MS as a new strategy for monitoring aminoglycoside residues in milk samples and functional foods |
APP11-P19-We |
Kao |
Tsai Hua |
FU JEN University |
Taiwan |
Analysis of heterocyclic amines in meat by the QuEChERS coupled with liquid chromatography-diode array-tandem mass spectrometry |
APP11-P20-We |
Russo |
Marina |
University Campus Bio-Medico |
Italy |
Characterization of phenolic compounds in juices, pulps, peels and seeds of seven Italian pomegranate cultivars by means of RP-HPLC/PDA/MS |
APP11-P21-We |
Long |
William |
Agilent Technologies |
Following the fermentation process of beer by HPLC |
APP11-P22-We |
Kahoun |
David |
University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice |
Czech Republic |
Effect of heat treatment and storage conditions on mead composition |
APP11-P23-We |
Lee |
Dong-Kyu |
Seoul National University |
Korea |
Non-invasive profiling of volatiles using headspace-SPME/GC-MS technique and its application for discriminating the geographical origin of white rice |
APP11-P24-We |
Kim |
Hyung Min |
Seoul National University |
Korea |
Targeted lipidomics using direct infusion-tandem mass spectrometry reveals distinct lysoglycerophospholipids level of rice (Oryza sativa L.) from different origin |
APP11-P25-We |
Martín |
Andrea |
Instituto de Química Orgánica General - CSIC |
Spain |
Evaluation of an enzymatic treatment for the selective fractionation of goat milk carbohydrates prior to high performance liquid chromatographic analysis |
APP11-P26-We |
Lee |
Hyun Sook |
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety |
Korea |
Validation of multi class pesticide multi-residue methods in agricultural commodities by liquid chromatograph coupled with tandem mass spectrometer |
APP11-P27-We |
Karima |
Baudin |
PerkinElmer |
France |
Analysis of mycotoxins in cereal and corn without derivatization via LC-MS/MS with time-managed MRMs |
APP11-P28-We |
Fanali |
Chiara |
Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome |
Italy |
Hazelnut kernel phenolic compounds extraction optimization and characterization by RP-HPLC/PDA/ESI-MS |
APP11-P29-We |
Schultz |
Carola |
Shimadzu Europa GmbH |
Germany |
Investigation of mycotoxins in beverages such as beer with the Mycotoxin Screening System using several cleanup techniques |
APP11-P30-We |
Ceslova |
Lenka |
University of Pardubice |
Czech Republic |
Determination of phenolic compounds in cereals using HPLC/MS |
APP11-P31-We |
Pippitt |
Jeanine |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Charged aerosol detection for LC analysis of triglycerides in extra-virgin olive oil |
APP11-P32-We |
Kim |
Su Jin |
Ewha Womans University |
Korea |
Screening and discrimination of volatile compounds in fermented coffees using head space – solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC/MS) |
APP11-P33-We |
García |
María Jesús |
Instituto de Química Orgánica General - CSIC |
Spain |
HPLC-MS characterization of bioactive compounds in mentha sp. extracts obtained by microwave assisted extraction |
APP11-P34-We |
Riering |
Helmut |
Macherey-Nagel |
Germany |
Determination of quaternary ammonium salts and veterinary drugs in food |
APP11-P35-We |
Krmela |
Aleš |
UCT Prague |
Czech Republic |
Application of QDa detector for food additives determination |
APP11-P36-We |
Vaclavikova |
Marta |
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) |
Austria |
LC-MS/MS analysis of novel Fusarium mycotoxins in cereals |
APP11-P37-We |
Jochems |
Philipp |
Shimadzu Europa GmbH |
Germany |
Fast analysis of natural and artificial vanilla flavorings computer assisted development of a robust, fast and sensitive UHPLC method |
APP11-P38-We |
Schmidt |
Anatol |
BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna |
Austria |
Simultaneous determination of pantothenic acid and riboflavin in milk by UHPLC |
APP11-P39-We |
Lara |
Francisco J. |
University of Granada |
Spain |
New method based on salting-out assisted liquid-liquid extraction and capillary liquid chromatography to determine benzimidazoles in milk samples. |
APP11-P40-We |
Pavón Pérez |
Jessy |
Concepcion University |
Chile |
Mass spectrometry detection and quantification of allergenic proteins in Chilean wines |
APP11-P41-We |
Galarce |
Oscar |
University of Concepcion |
Chile |
Application of experimental design for the optimization of a QuEChERS methodology for the extraction of polyphenols in beer |
APP11-P42-We |
Bauder |
Rainer |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Robust LC-MS analysis of pesticides with 1.0 mm ID columns using state of the art UHPLC instrumentation |
APP11-P43-We |
Favre |
Guzmán |
Facultad de Agronomía Universidad de la República (UDELAR) Uruguay |
Uruguay |
Varietal flavonol profiles of Tannat, Marselan and Syrah Vitis vinifera grape skins, wines and marc, determined by an HPLC-MSn system |
APP11-P44-We |
Ramis-Ramos |
Guillermo |
University o Valencia |
Spain |
DNA extraction from olive oil fruit and its use in the identification of cultivar |
APP11-P45-We |
Mastovska |
Katerina |
Covance Laboratories |
Development and validation of a large multiresidue LC-MS/MS method using on-line dilution and other useful features |
APP11-P46-We |
Zhou |
Shuang |
China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment |
China |
Sensitive and high throughput determination of deoxynivalenol and its metabolites in human urine by UPLC-MS/MS following μElution SPE cleanup |
APP11-P47-We |
Nuñez |
Oscar |
University of Barcelona |
Spain |
Characterization and classification of spanish paprika with product designation of origin by HPLC-UV and HPLC-amperometric fringerprinting |
APP12-P01-We |
Fabrowska |
Joanna |
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań |
Poland |
HPLC as a tool to valorize freshwater green macroalgae from Poland |
APP12-P02-We |
Lin |
Chao-Tian |
Chung Shan Medical University |
Taiwan |
Isolation and identification of major antioxidant compounds of Jamaica Cherry by HPLC and LC-Mass |
APP12-P03-We |
Taddeo |
Vito Alessandro |
University G. d'Annunzio |
Italy |
HPLC-PDA method for the comparison of the extraction methods efficiency of selected prenylated and unprenylated coumarins and cinnamic acids in dill, anise and wild celery. |
APP12-P04-We |
Vergara |
Carola |
Universidad de Concepión |
Chile |
Identification and quantification of lignans in Pinus radiata industry forest waste and its comparison through three extractive techniques. |
APP12-P05-We |
Wolff |
Thiago |
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro |
Brazil |
On line characterization of flavonoid glycosides in three anti-dengue active Brazilian Faramea species leaves (Rubiaceae) by HPLC-DAD-ESI-CID-MS/MS |
APP12-P07-We |
Kožuszniková |
Eliška |
Masaryk University |
Czech Republic |
RP-HPLC analysis of salicylic acid and related metabolic intermediates in willow bark and dietary supplements |
APP12-P08-We |
Lee |
GwangJin |
College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University |
Korea |
An efficient relative quantification method for ginsenosides in ginseng products by evaporative light scattering detector |
APP12-P09-We |
Boháčová |
Iveta |
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava |
Slovakia |
Development of RP-HPLC for the separation and determination of D-mandelonitrile-β-D genciobiozid epimers in food supplements |
APP12-P10-We |
Oberle |
Anna |
Salzburg University of Applied Sciences |
Austria |
A new challenge - development of a purification method for industrially extracted Mimosa tannin |
APP12-P11-We |
Massolini |
Gabriella |
University of Pavia |
Italy |
Analytical approache for the identification of new ligands of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (ppars) from plant extract. |
APP12-P12-We |
Pecher |
Daniel |
Comenius University in Bratislava |
Slovakia |
A validated HPLC method for separation and simultaneous determination of thirteen flavonoids and other polyphenols |
APP12-P13-We |
Bílková |
Zuzana |
Masaryk University |
Czech Republic |
Determination of testosterone and corticosterone in feathers of barn swallows (Hirudo Rustica) |
APP12-P14-We |
Ganeczko |
Monika |
University of Warsaw |
Poland |
Secrets of dyeing fabrics: Blue dye |
APP12-P15-We |
Pereira |
Jorge |
CQM - Centro de Química da Madeira, Universidade da Madeira |
Portugal |
Optimization of the chromatographic analysis of dietary polyphenols obtained by µSPEed extraction of different food matrices |
APP13-P02-We |
Theurillat |
Regula |
University of Bern |
Switzerland |
Monitoring of cefepime in human serum and plasma by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry |
APP13-P03-We |
Kolatorova |
Lucie |
Institute of Endocrinology |
Czech Republic |
New LC-MS/MS method for determination of plasma bisphenols, parabens and estrogens revealed three times higher levels of bisphenol F than bisphenol A in healthy men |
APP13-P04-We |
Vitku |
Jana |
Institute of Endocrinology |
Czech Republic |
Newly developed LC-MS/MS method for determination of 7β-hydroxy-epiandrosterone revealed its higher concentrations in infertile men |
APP13-P05-We |
Jenčo |
Jaroslav |
Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |
Czech Republic |
Chromatographic analysis of thiamine and its derivatives for routine diagnostics in whole blood |
APP13-P06-We |
Caslavska |
Jitka |
University of Bern |
Switzerland |
Analysis of genetic variants of transferrin in human serum after desialylation by capillary zone electrophoresis and capillary isoelectric focusing |
APP13-P07-We |
Kučerová |
Kateřina |
Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |
Czech Republic |
New UHPLC-MS/MS method for determination of urinary retinol in patients with various diseases |
APP13-P08-We |
Prugger |
Eva-Maria |
Joanneum Research |
Austria |
Development and application of an enzyme activity assay for β-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase using LC-MS and stable isotope labeling |
APP13-P09-We |
Boehm |
Guenter |
CTC Analytics AG |
Switzerland |
A new tool for the automated sample preparation of whole blood samples by LC-MS using a commercial autosampler |
APP13-P10-We |
Vidova |
Veronika |
Research Center for Toxic Compounds in the Environment, Faculty of Science, Masa |
Czech Republic |
Comparative quantification of inflammation proteins in dried blood samples and serum using selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry and immunonephelometry |
APP13-P11-We |
Javorska |
Lenka |
Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy |
Czech Republic |
The optimal separation of very polar small molecules using UHPLC–MS/MS: Comparison of various stationary phases and its possible application for clinical research |
APP13-P12-We |
Choi |
Man-Ho |
Korea |
Metabolic signatures of adrenal steroids from saliva and serum using LC-MS/MS with the polarity switching |
APP13-P13-We |
Locatelli |
Marcello |
University "G. D'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara |
Italy |
Simultaneous determination of gemcitabine hydrochloride and irinotecan hydrochloride in rat plasma by high performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector |
APP13-P14-We |
Kahler |
Ty |
Restek Corporation |
The Analysis of C3-Epimers of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D in Serum by LC/MS/MS |
APP13-P15-We |
Yang |
Mihi |
Sookmyung Women's University |
Korea |
Individual variations in urinary caffeine levels and coffee response among middle age women |
APP13-P16-We |
Keck |
Daniel |
Nacalai Tesque, Inc. |
Japan |
Identifying vitamins D2/D3 and their 25-OH metabolites and C3 epimers in a single LC-MS run |
APP13-P17-We |
Nixdorf |
Suzana |
Universidade Estadual de Londrina |
Brazil |
Development of a simplified HPLC method for multiresidual determination of carbamate and organophosphorus in blood and liver of companion animals |
APP14-P01-We |
Ding |
Wang-Hsien |
National Central University |
Taiwan |
Rapid screening of parabens in human urine samples by ultrasound-assisted liquid-liquid microextraction and isotope dilution UHPLC-QTOF-MS |
APP14-P02-We |
Wen |
Bei |
Chinese Academy of Sciences |
China |
Determination of perfluoroalkyl acid isomers in soils, plants and earthworms collected from biosolids-amended fields using UPLC-MS/MS |
APP14-P04-We |
Eckey |
Kevin |
University of Muenster |
Germany |
Degradation products of sulfamethoxazole after treatment with chlorine dioxide |
APP14-P06-We |
Rohloff |
John |
KNAUER Wissenschaftliche Geräte GmbH |
Germany |
Sensitive online SPE determination of bisphenol A in water samples. |
APP14-P07-We |
Vega-Moreno |
Daura |
Universidad de Las Palmas GC (ULPGC) |
Spain |
On-line miniaturized solid phase extraction (mSPE) for organic pollutant determination at seawater samples |
APP14-P08-We |
Buchberger |
Wolfgang |
Johannes-Kepler-University Linz |
Austria |
Residue analysis of pharmaceuticals in plants |
APP14-P09-We |
Jin |
Micong |
Ningbo Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Ningbo, Zhejiang, 31 |
China |
Ionic liquid modified metal-organic framework composite as dSPE material and LC-MS/MS for determination of glyphosate, bialaphos and thier metabolins in environmental water |
APP14-P10-We |
Kulhanek |
Jaromir |
Contipro a.s. |
Czech Republic |
Determination of the degree of substitution of hydrophobized hyaluronan by gas chromatography |
APP14-P11-We |
Sadílek |
Jan |
Masaryk university |
Czech Republic |
The study of 17β-estradiol and 17α-ethynylestradiol sorption behavior in water-sediment system using QuEChERS |
APP14-P12-We |
Van Den Steen |
Katleen |
Water-link |
Belgium |
Optimization and validation of a UPLC -MS/MS using Unispray for the quantification of pesticide metabolites in surface, ground and drinking waters. |
APP14-P13-We |
Joos |
Pieter |
water-link |
Belgium |
Screening methodology for the determination of unknowns in drinking, surface and waste waters |
APP14-P14-We |
Daems |
Jo |
Water-link |
Belgium |
Comparison of different interfaces in LC-MS/MS in the determination of glyphosate and AMPA |
APP14-P15-We |
Oertel |
Reinhard |
GWT TU Dresden |
Germany |
Development and validation of a hydrophilic interaction LC-MS/MS method for the quantification of the antidiabetic drug metformin and six others pharmaceuticals in wastewater |
APP14-P16-We |
Tao |
Wuqun |
Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
China |
Screening of soil and fish contamination with dechlorane-related flame retardants in Guiyu: The largest E-waste recycling city in China |
APP14-P17-We |
Meadows |
Ken |
Thermo Fisher Scientific |
United Kingdom |
UHPLC optimization for food and beverage additive analysis |
APP14-P18-We |
Fojtíková |
Pavla |
Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia |
Czech Republic |
Determination of amino acids in ensiled grass press juice using LC-MS/MS |
APP14-P19-We |
Bisi |
Ariovaldo |
PerkinElmer Italia SpA |
Italy |
Quantitation of pharmaceutical and personal care products in water using a laminar flow tandem mass spectrometer |
APP14-P20-We |
Jaša |
Libor |
Masaryk university |
Czech Republic |
Optimization of sample preparation techniques for isolation of cyanopeptides (anabaenopeptin, microginins) from cyanobacterial biomass sampled in the Czech Republic |
APP14-P21-We |
Kacsó |
Tímea |
University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Hatieganu" |
Romania |
Capillary gel electrophoretic analysis for the degradation study of nanodispersed zein as pesticide delivery system |
APP14-P23-We |
Amin |
Christophe |
Institut National D'hygiene Publique |
Côte d'Ivoire |
Multiresidues pesticides search and determination in Sassandra River |
APP14-P24-We |
Zapletalová |
Martina |
Masaryk University |
Czech Republic |
Determination of red clover-derived isoflavones in the rumen fluid by HPLC-DAD/FLD |
APP14-P25-We |
Landová |
Pavlína |
Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry |
Czech Republic |
Method development for the analysis of basic pharmaceuticals in wastewaters using SPE and HILIC-MS/MS |
APP14-P26-We |
Vega-Moreno |
Daura |
Universidad de Las Palmas GC (ULPGC) |
Spain |
Analysis of PAH adsorpted over marine microplastics surface by HPLC with fluorescence detection |
APP14-P27-We |
Švestková |
Tereza |
Brno University of Technology |
Czech Republic |
Removal of pharmaceuticals by advanced oxidation processes |
YOU1-SO1-Mo |
Gerhardt |
Renata |
University of Leipzig |
Germany |
Chip-based HPLC with an integrated droplet interface for surface enhanced Raman detection |
YOU1-SO2-Mo |
Fornells |
Elisenda |
University of Tasmania |
Australia |
Membrane Evaporative Interface for LCxLC |
YOU1-SO3-Mo |
Nielsen |
Nikoline Juul |
University of Copenhagen |
Denmark |
Increasing Flexibility in Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography by Pulsed Elution of the First Dimension (Pulsed-elution 2D-LC). |
YOU1-SO4-Mo |
Heo |
Jun |
Two-dimentional LC for analysis of monoclonal antibody during bioprocess development |
YOU2-SO1-Mo |
Deridder |
Sander |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Belgium |
Numerical study of the thermal conductivity of columns packed with fully porous and superficially porous particles |
YOU2-SO2-Mo |
Krzemińska |
Katarzyna |
Nicolaus Copernicus University |
Poland |
Dual retention mechanism on stationary phases with embedded polar group |
YOU2-SO3-Mo |
Nguyen |
Khac-Long |
Inpact group |
France |
Transport of molecules of different sizes through monolithic, core-shell and porous silica columns. Effect of porous silica architecture |
YOU2-SO4-Mo |
Bocian |
Szymon |
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń |
Poland |
Solvation processes in liquid chromatography - the importance and measurement |
YOU3-SO1-Mo |
Kecskemeti |
Adam |
University of Debrecen |
Hungary |
Characterization of a poly(dimethylsiloxane) microfluidic chip containing immobilized trypsin for rapid protein digestion |
YOU3-SO3-Mo |
Yu |
Peng |
Technische Universität München |
Germany |
Trinity P1 mixed mode chromatography enables mass spectrometry compatible orthogonal peptide separation to reversed phase |
YOU3-SO4-Mo |
Solovyeva |
Elizaveta |
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology |
Russian Federation |
Predictive chromatography of peptides for optimized fractionation in bottom-up proteomics |
YOU4-SO1-Mo |
Quigley |
Andrew |
Waterford Institute of Technology |
Ireland |
Determination of selected fat soluble vitamins from bovine milk using dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction coupled with HPLC-UV equipped with a core-shell column. |
YOU4-SO2-Mo |
Tengattini |
Sara |
University of Pavia |
Italy |
Development of an HPLC bioreactor based on immobilized enterokinase for the cleavage of fusion proteins |
YOU4-SO3-Mo |
Raetz |
Michel |
University of Geneva |
Switzerland |
Automated Robotic Sample Preparation for Metabolomics with Hyphenation to LC-SWATH/MS Acquisition for Plasma and Liver Samples |
YOU4-SO4-Mo |
Vargas Medina |
Deyber Arley |
Universidade de São Paulo |
Brazil |
Easy and cheap apparatus for the off-line automatization of miniaturized sample preparation techniques |
YOU5-SO1-Tu |
Rigano |
Francesca |
Chromaleont S.r.L. |
Italy |
Use of a novel linear retention index system as identification tool in liquid chromatography: applications in lipidomics |
YOU5-SO2-Tu |
Rampler |
Evelyn |
Analytical chemistry |
Austria |
Simultaneous non-polar and polar lipid analysis by complementary online two-dimensional liquid chromatography and high resolution mass spectrometry |
YOU5-SO3-Tu |
Roberg-Larsen |
Hanne |
University of Oslo |
Norway |
Oxysterols in cancer |
YOU5-SO4-Tu |
Causon |
Tim |
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU Vienna) |
Austria |
Increasing Peak Capacity and Selectivity of LC-MS by Incorporation of Low-field Drift-Tube Ion Mobility Separation |
YOU6-SO1-Tu |
Hegade |
Ravindra |
Ghent University, Belgium |
Belgium |
Stationary phase optimized selectivity chiral liquid chromatography (SOS-CLC) as a novel perspective for the separation of stereoisomers. |
YOU6-SO2-Tu |
Hejniak |
Judyta |
Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry |
Poland |
Flavanones enantioseparation by LC-ESI-MS/MS and its application |
YOU6-SO3-Tu |
Skoczylas |
Magdalena |
Nicolaus Copernicus University |
Poland |
Multi-parametric characterization of amino acids- and peptide-silica stationary phases – a column selection for separation targets |
YOU6-SO4-Tu |
Jarosova |
Romana |
Michigan State University |
Nitrogen-Incorporated Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon Thin-Films – A New Electrode for the HPLC-EC of Biological and Environmental Analytes |
YOU7-SO1-Tu |
Paul |
David |
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research NIPER |
India |
Pharmacokinetics and brain uptake study of novel AMPA receptor antagonist perampanel in Sprague Dawely rats using a validated UHPLC-QTOF-MS method |
YOU7-SO2-Tu |
Venter |
Pieter |
University of Stellenbosch |
South Africa |
Analysis of chestnut tannins by reversed phase- and hydrophilic interaction chromatography coupled to ion mobility and high resolution mass spectrometry |
YOU7-SO3-Tu |
Reyes Garces |
Nathaly |
University of Waterloo |
Canada |
Solid phase microextraction and liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry: a powerful platform for in vivo brain metabolomics studies |
YOU7-SO4-Tu |
Boggs |
Ashley |
National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Measuring steroid profiles in whale blubber by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry |
YOU8-SO1-Tu |
Farcas |
Elena |
University of Liège |
Belgium |
Optimisation of an electrophoretic approach for the screening and the development of new antithrombotic drugs |
YOU8-SO2-Tu |
Jooß |
Kevin |
Aalen University of Applied Sciences |
Germany |
Two-dimensional capillary zone electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry for the characterization of monoclonal antibody charge variants on the intact level |
YOU8-SO3-Tu |
Varga |
Erzsébet |
Cyclolab KFT. |
Hungary |
Single-isomer cyclodextrin derivatives in chiral capillary electrophoresis: the past, the present and the future |
YOU8-SO4-Tu |
Gregus |
Michal |
Masaryk University |
Czech Republic |
Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry as a novel technique in analysis of cholesterol and its metabolites |
YOU9-SO1-We |
Fresco |
Beatriz |
University of Córdoba |
Spain |
Macroscopic three dimensional carbon nanohorns monolith for (micro)solid-phase extraction of volatile organic compounds |
YOU9-SO2-We |
Zatirakha |
Alexandra |
Lomonosov Moscow State University |
Russian Federation |
Preparation and analytical application of novel anion-exchangers for ion chromatography with improved selectivity toward organic acids |
YOU9-SO3-We |
Peters |
Benjamin |
Merck |
Germany |
Variation of parameters influencing the immobilization of ligands onto epoxy-modified silica monoliths |
YOU9-SO4-We |
Komendová |
Martina |
University of Pardubice |
Czech Republic |
Development of monolithic capillary column with an integrated electrochemical detector for the determination of dopamine in urine |
YOU10-SO1-We |
Zoccali |
Mariosimone |
Chromaleont srl |
Italy |
Online supercritical fluid extraction-supercritical fluid chromatography-mass spectrometry for carotenoids determination in red habanero peppers |
YOU10-SO2-We |
Nagai |
Kanji |
DAICEL Corporation |
Japan |
Development of novel poly(vinylpyridine)-based SFC columns and their applications |
YOU10-SO3-We |
Desfontaine |
Vincent |
University of Geneva |
Switzerland |
Influence of sample injection solvent on peak shape for the analysis of pharmaceutical compounds in SFC |
YOU10-SO4-We |
Khalikova |
Maria |
University of Pardubice |
Czech Republic |
UHPSFC/ESI-MS Lipidomic Analysis of Tissues and Plasma from Kidney Cancer Patients |
YOU11-SO1-We |
Choi |
Lai-Sheung |
The Hong Kong Jockey Club |
Hong Kong |
Metabolic study of methylstenbolone in horses |
YOU11-SO2-We |
Řemínek |
Roman |
Masaryk University |
Czech Republic |
Application of capillary electrophoresis for β-secretase inhibitor screening – development and comparison of two on-line methods |
YOU11-SO3-We |
Lemasson |
Elise |
France |
Exploring mixed-mode HPLC as an alternative to reversed phase HPLC for impurity profiling of drug candidates |
YOU11-SO4-We |
Joshi |
Nilesh |
Syngene Amgen Research Center |
India |
A Normal Phase Chiral HPLC Method for the Separation of Eight Isomers of Core + Ome |
YOU13-SO1-Th |
Ferey |
Justine |
France |
Exploration by UHPLC-HRMS of the enzymatic phosphorylation of pyrimidine nucleosides |
YOU13-SO2-Th |
Wen |
Yabin |
Australian Centre for Research on Separation Science (ACROSS) UTAS |
Australia |
Retention prediction in reversed phase HPLC using quantitative structure-retention relationships applied to the Hydrophobic Subtraction Model |
YOU13-SO3-Th |
Mert Ozupek |
Nazli |
Dokuz Eylül University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences |
Turkey |
Artificial neural network in the prediction of gradient retention times for rebaudioside A in liquid chromatography |
YOU13-SO4-Th |
Slimani |
Kahina |
Anses |
France |
Development and validation of an analytical residues method of the Aminopropyldodecylpropanediamine biocide disinfectant in dairy products by LC-MS/MS |
YOU14-SO1-Th |
Nagler |
Joachim |
Helmholtz Center Munich |
Germany |
Systems for detection of monoamines in tissues beyond brain |
YOU14-SO2-Th |
Spáčil |
Zdeněk |
Masaryk University |
Czech Republic |
Discovery and quantification of metabolic markers attributed to the activity of intestinal microbiota |
YOU14-SO3-Th |
Priecina |
Liga |
Latvia University of Agriculture |
Latvia |
Bioactive compounds of steam-blanched and differently dried onions |
YOU14-SO4-Th |
Liu |
Wan-Ling |
Chung Yuan Christian University |
Taiwan |
Determination of phenolic acids using activated carbon-polymer extraction column |